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Q4 Clean Panorama Testing Schedule #104

Closed pvinayak001 closed 5 years ago

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

Below please find the timeline, scope, and draft assignments for each of the ICPI/Pano dashboards for Q4 Clean:

Timeline 12/21 - Q4 initial data entry closes in DATIM 12/28 - 1/2 - Pano dashboards available for testing in Dev 1/4 - Pano Q4 initial dashboards released


Testing Assignments/Dashboard PoCs

If a PoC is unavailable during the proposed testing time period, they are welcome to transfer testing responsibilities to another colleague by editing the above comment and assigning the new tester, and writing a new comment to inform test leads that a new assignment has been made.

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC Can you help get testers confirmed by Monday 12/10? There may be a new procedure for documenting issues, so we'd like to get testers confirmed early with enough time for a training before people leave for the holidays.

@jb3436 I checked all the dashboards, and OVC was the only one that had a Global version that was not already listed. Please let me know if you notice anything else missing.

@kimisatoPC and @erinschelar Looks like you will both be out on 1/2. Can you recommend another tester for GEND_GBV?

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 I can only assign 10 people to a ticket, so I took your name off the list to make room. You are still a tester!

KatieOC commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 what dates are we testing? I see the 4th but wanted to give everyone the full set of dates they have to test to check availability. Also, can we move the Dossiers to OGAC? The lift is a bit heavy for ICPI staff in my opinion. @jb3436 let me know if you concur or have a different suggestion.

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC Testing would be one day on January 2. We discussed at the DIV meeting yesterday, and folks agreed most people would probably not test earlier anyway due to the holidays. It's possible the dashboards will be available earlier, but we're planning on testing on Jan 2. Please let me know if you have concerns or think people would be open to testing on Monday 1/31.

I'll send Ana an email about testing dossiers. Would it make sense for ICPI to test the dashboards that get turned into dossiers (e.g. TSD, CHIPS) while asking OGAC to do Static Indicators and Additional Disags? Or would you prefer OGAC test all the dossiers?

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC An update from the comment above: The Pano team let me know that testing can begin as early as 12/28, as that is when both Pano dashboards and the test MSDs and SSDs will be available. It would actually be great if anyone who is available can start testing on the 28th so we don't get a flood of issues on 1/2.

nmcarloni commented 5 years ago

FYI...Treatment Summary OU level dashboard has incorrect totals in the Fine Age tab (for both Uganda and Eswatini)

pilarbullis commented 5 years ago

@nmcarloni, @MicSherlock - Please note that Treatment Summary Dossier and Treatment Continuum Dossier do NOT need to be tested, as those dossiers have not yet been released in Panorama.

shazadahmed10 commented 5 years ago

Re. the testing/CHIPS dashboards: The numbers displayed for the grandfathered age bands in the fine age band set (10-14, 15-19, 20-24, and 50+) in the age/sex pyramid visuals in the Pano dashboards and dossier did not match the MSD. This applies to both HTS_TST and POS. The values for the semi fine age bands matched.

anu87 commented 5 years ago


mehtasp commented 5 years ago

Retention (OU & P/M) - Total Numerator & Age/Sex tabs

All other data for TX_CURR and TX_RET matched the MSD's PSNU_IM data files