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PEPFAR Virtual Academy: Course Name/Number #107

Closed shapaklyak closed 5 years ago

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

Related to #103

What course name and course number do we want for the pivot tables course? Below is the current example using the ICPI sandbox and a proposal. Please refer to the PEPFAR Virtual Academy Resource Guide (p.22) posted on pepfar.net and emailed on 12/12/2018 for further naming convention guidance.

Current Example: ICPI Sandbox Course name: ICPI201100 Course number: ICPI_Test_2018

Proposal: Intro to Data Manipulation Coursename: ICPIdata201100 Course number: ICPI_DataManipulation_PivotTables2019

PVA Course Levels: Beginner : 100 Intermediate: 200 Advanced: 300

achafetz commented 5 years ago

Big question is: are pivot tables beginner or intermediate? I would venture towards intermediate.

And let's focus the title on pivot tables since we're not doing a ton of data manipulation (just summarizing and reshaping).

KatieOC commented 5 years ago


shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@achafetz great title!

Does this work? I revised the coursename & number.

Title: PEPFAR Between the Sheets: Learning how to Pivot the MER Structured Dataset (MSD) Coursename: ICPIexcel201200 Course number: ICPI_Excel_PivotTables2019

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

FYI, I submitted request to sgac training to create course template in PVA