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develop PVA course evaluation - any Volunteers? #114

Closed shapaklyak closed 5 years ago

KatieOC commented 5 years ago

volunteers needed to complete by end of March. Kasmira to give it a first pass. @kkale25

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@kkale25 do you have any drafts for this? thanks!

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

First draft of evaluation:

  1. Name (Optional)
  2. Agency
  3. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) a. Overall, I found this course to be helpful in learning how to create basic pivot tables using a training MER Structure Dataset. b. Overall, the course design and set up were effective and conducive to online-learning c. The objectives of the course were clearly defined and aligned with the content d. The course has a logical flow and was well-organized e. The quiz questions throughout the course were helpful in reinforcing concepts I learned through the course f. This course reduced my fear/lack of confidence creating pivot tables using MER structured datasets g. This training was a worthwhile investment of my time and effort
  4. Please rate yourself on how much more/less comfortable you are with the below tasks than before taking this course (much more comfortable after the course, somewhat more comfortable after the course, the same as before, less comfortable after the course, much less comfortable after the course) a. Understanding what a pivot table is and when to use it b. Understanding what tidy data is and why it’s important c. Accessing PEPFAR data d. Building a pivot table and what the various parts are e. Organizing and customizing a pivot table f. Adding filters and slicers to a pivot table g. Building a pivot chart h. Converting Raw Data into an Excel table i. Naming pivot tables j. Structuring tabs and sheets effectively k. Refreshing data in Excel
  5. The length of this course was: a. Too short b. Too long c. About right
  6. The amount of material covered in this course was: a. Too much b. Too little c. About right
  7. Was there something you wish had been covered in this course?
  8. What can we do to improve the course (structure, videos, content, length, etc.)?
shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@kkale25 can you put this in a google form survey please? per the guidance on p.21 of the PVA resource guide ,it needs to be externally linked to PVA.

FYI @randyyee

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

@shapaklyak yes happy to do that but wanted to get the eval finalized before putting on Google forms since it's a little less easy to make changes to Google forms!

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@kkale25 for question 4, please see the response choices to use from the R training evaluation, please use those choices instead. (much more and much less more is too wordy and isn't straightforward in an evaluation). thanks!


shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

hi @kkale25 and @randyyee ...has this been completed?

randyyee commented 5 years ago

@shapaklyak , @kkale25 I can link the form on PVA whenever it's ready!

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

I’ll add it today!

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Here's the link: https://forms.gle/4GhLJvJRrV2jxdHP8

@shapaklyak I actually didn't change the question about comfort in this form to what you suggested. The questions are asking different things. The way the question was worded in the R training form doesn't give us information on whether the course itself improved their comfort on the specific task. So we couldn't compare their responses to anything or attribute increased comfort to the course.

I specifically changed this question to have "more" or "less" than before terminology so we can assess the impact of the course on their level of comfort.

Does that make sense? Happy to talk more in person.

randyyee commented 5 years ago

@shapaklyak & @kkale25

Embedded the Google Web Form into PVA: image

Let me know what you think.