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FY19Q3 PAWS to Panorama Development by ICPI #130

Closed jb3436 closed 4 years ago

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

FY19Q3 Schedule for Development and POCs (ICPI-Specific)



FY19 Q3 Iterative timeline (dates may shift slightly): June 3-14: 2 weeks of requirements gathering & discussions about getting dossier set up June 14: Requirements Submitted June 21: Requirements approved June 17 – July 30: 7 weeks of dossier development specific dossier development and workplan management July 1 (Monday): first systems check in (after first 2 weeks of initial development) July 8 (Monday): second systems check in July 11 (Thursday): third systems check in July 18 (Thursday): fourth systems check in July 25 (Thursday): final check in before handoff for engineering August 1 (Thursday): Pre-Check in before handoff


Development Environment Development of your dossiers will be in the PAW DEV environment: https://dev-workspaces.pepfar-panorama.org/MicroStrategy/asp/Main.aspx:

Requirements Documents Saved Here

ICPI>DIV>Projects>Panorama Redesign

Panorama Guidance Documents for Analytics Here

ICPI>DIV>Projects> Panorama Redesign> Instructions

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

FYI @jaliasd @achafetz @cnichols3h @HoustonJamie @jla7 @wvp3

MicSherlock commented 5 years ago

The 2nd 90 team is thinking that 1,2, 3 90 dossiers might only be needed at OU and site. We aren’t sure we need a Global, it’s so high level that we think CC dossier might cover it cover needs. Putting in the parking lot…

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Check in With Dossier POCS 6/25


Action Items

First Systems Check In 7/1

Roma, Josh, Kimi, Renee, Aliyah, Jeff, Janice Rachel, Jasmine, Travis,




Performance considerations keep the numbers of derived metrics as low as possible

Presentations of Dossiers:




2nd 90

Level selector

Hyperlink considerations

3rd 90

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

2nd Systems Check In with Dossier POCs 7/8

Janice, Rachel, Yaa, Travis, Jamie, Kimi, Joseph, Jasmine, Aliyah, Imran, Shaylee, Anu...missed a few ppl.

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

3rd Systems Check In 7/11

Room : Katie, Anu, Shaylee, Aliyah, Nicole, Jasmine , Joseph, Travis Phone : Janice, Kimi, Renee, Mackenzie, Erin, Jeff, Jamie, Yaa, Jacob

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

4th Systems Check In 7/18

General Notes

1st 90

2nd 90

3rd 90

No HSS representation


jb3436 commented 4 years ago

5th Check In with Systems Team 7/25

Attendance Phone: Renee, Nicole,

In Person: Kimi, Yaa, Aliya, Jasmine, Rachel, Janice, Pooja, Joseph, Henry , Jamie


First 90

Legend Question

2nd 90


3rd 90


To Do:

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

6th and Final Systems Check in 8/1

Attendance: Phone : Kimi (in TZ), Anu (in India), Jacob (in DRC), Yaa, Renee, Erin, Mackenzie, Katie, Nicole, Aliyah, (others on the line I missed) In Person: Janice, Pilar, Rachel, Jamie, Pooja, Henry, LaChandra, Travis, Alice, Jasmine

Notes and Actions

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Final Fixes Notes Hi all,

We are almost at the finish line. The dossiers need to be migrated today. However there are still some issues to address to make the dossiers ready for Q3 initial release. Here are the final issues to address for your dossiers to go forward. Most of these are very quick fixes.

There is no shame in kicking off a problematic page until a fast follow.

2nd 90

3rd 90:


jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Today’s Timeline: 11:00am – 1:00PM

1:00PM – 5:00PM

Next Steps:

  1. Handover to DataStrong COB 8/5
  2. Jacob gives final call of visual integrity for dossiers to be migrated by OOB 8/6
  3. Migration of Dossiers from dev Workspaces to dev Pano 8/6
  4. Testing begins Date TBD
  5. Dossier POCs to work with DS to do thorough testing and QC of dossiers once they are using the Pano schema Dates TBD
  6. Final QC data correctness review to determine if dossier can go live in Pano – Date TBD