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HSS Dossier Development #131

Closed jb3436 closed 4 years ago

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Dossier Development

HSS Dossier FY19Q3

Assignees: Yaa, Travis, Mala Provide updates in Analytics Repo All comments and issues for the systems team should be documented in the analytics repo: Single OU pepfar-datim/Analytics#2197 Global pepfar-datim/Analytics#2198

Checklist of Milestones

Requirements :pencil:

Development :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Handover :tada:

Testing (Led by Systems Team) :computer:

Launch :tada:

ICPI Parent Project Management Ticket https://github.com/ICPI/DIV/issues/130

Yabayabadoo commented 5 years ago

@ Pilar, the generic dynamic metrics dataset doesn't include HRH_PRE in the indicator options. Can we please have it added?

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

@Yabayabadoo added the above comment to the analytics repo for response

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Update from Travis on 7/2

For those of you who weren’t able to make it to the HSS dossier office hours or the PAWS-to-pano meeting yesterday with DataStrong, here are some key takeaways:

  1. From now on, please log any and all issues using the standing ticket for the entire dossier on the PEPFAR-DATIM GitHub (not ZenDesk), ticket numbers #2197 & #2198. Don’t create separate tickets for each issue at this time, since there are so many different dossiers.

  2. We will eventually have two dossiers: Global and country-specific site-level. Please review the following proposal for how these two will be organized:

    Global (with cross-country comparisons)

    • EMR_SITE
    • SC_STOCK
    • HRH_PRE rackups
    • HRH rackups (the “overview” chapters of the original HRH dossier)
    • LAB_PTCQI rackups

      Country specific site-level

    • HRH site level analyses
    • LAB_PTCQI site level chapters
  3. Important, please note that DataStrong is working on creating a dataset for us that will contain our calculated metrics [as defined in our requirements document] and will have better performance for site level data. Creating datasets like this requires a certain LOE for them, so we will wait in a task queue. However, please note that further work (especially working with custom derived attributes and metrics) in the dossiers using the PEPFAR dynamic datasets could potentially be lost when our dataset is created. Therefore we recommend you not spend a huge amount of time creating new metrics. This is especially true for the site level dossier; the global dossier can likely proceed without disruption.

Responses from Yaa and Mala

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Adding @ERottinghaus to the analytics repo and to dev to support Mala in building out the lab visuals

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

HSS: -need to schedule several more check-ins between now and launch -still need to find the sweet spot of conveying simple ideas and complex ideas so that the end user who is not a HSS expert can follow -suggest seeking feedback from PPM (suggestion Sally Blatz) -need to incorporate feedback from Jacob -need to work closely with Rebecca and Janice for more frequent communications to resolve any outstanding needs for the dossier -Katie to follow-up on scheduling.

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Check in with stakeholders 7/25 Check in with PET/PPM 7/30

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Program Management

ACTION - Sally to send a follow up email

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

After consultation with agency subject matter experts over the past several days, we have been asked to make changes to certain visuals and need to therefore request a few additional system custom derived metrics and attributes: Attributes

  1. EMR_Site_treatment_exists = yes if EMR_SITE = 1 for the disaggregate option "service delivery area: care & treatment" and no if EMR_SITE = 0 (for that same disagg option). Similarly, EMR_Site_testing_exists = yes if EMR_SITE = 1 for the disaggregate option "service delivery area: testing services" and no if EMR_SITE = 0 for the testing disagg. and so on and so forth for the five disagg options of EMR site. This value must be a "yes" if any partner or mechanism reported 1 during that period.
  2. As discussed today, the attribute "cadre" must apply to all HRH-related indicators including HRH_CURR, HRH_STAFF and HRH_PRE. The logical rules for parsing should remain the same as the user-defined derived attribute [fx]cadre in the HSS dataset in memory, but apply to all three indicators not just HRH_CURR Metrics
  3. HRH_expenditure, which is the value of expenditure filtered for HRH and personnel related object and sub object classes (see the user defined derived metric [fx]HRH_expenditure in the ER dataset in memory)
  4. non HRH-expenditure, which is total expenditure minus HRH_expenditure We are also still desperately waiting on a robust system derived metric for the proportion of PEPFAR treatment sites that also report HRH_CURR, in order to report the proportion of PEPFAR treatment sites where PEPFAR is also supporting HRH. This needs further consultation and discussion to review the potential problems and quirks.
jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Team has been asked to hold off on two pages in the ER chapter as the SMEs have expressed concern at a late stage of development and we will be unable to find a compromise by the deadline. The visuals will be worked on with SMEs and released for Q3 clean.