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Second 90 Dossier Development #132

Closed jb3436 closed 4 years ago

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Dossier Development

2nd 90 Dossier FY19Q3

Assignees: Nicole, Michelle, Aliyah, Imran All comments and issues for the systems team should be documented in the analytics repo:

Provide updates in Analytics Repo Single OU pepfar-datim/Analytics#2193 Global pepfar-datim/Analytics#2194

Checklist of Milestones

Requirements :pencil:

Development :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Handover :tada:

Testing (Led by Systems Team) :computer:

Launch :tada:

ICPI Parent Project Management Ticket https://github.com/ICPI/DIV/issues/130

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Check-in with dossier developers on Tuesday, July 23

2nd 90: -team is having 2 check-ins a week with Jamie so no further check-ins with DIV needed

pending case statements for the level selectors -pending age/sex into separate level selectors (asked Joseph for code but didn’t work) but will follow-up with them after this meeting -pending merge but planning on working on this after this meeting -today, with Janice, planning on copying over some visuals from site level tool -Jamie and Katie will work on QC for age/sex for retention proxy (probably a fine vs. coarse) – call with Jacob on retention proxy, probably moving call to Wednesday. -Global OU – plan to keep all visuals except deleting site level (stick to core concepts with this version)