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Pano Style Guide and Checklist for Dossier Finalization #143

Open jb3436 opened 4 years ago

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Style Guide and Checklist

Final Documents

Checklist for Dossier Development Finalization 08012019_V5.docx

Panorama Style Guide 20190725_V1.docx Tracked Changed Version: Panorama Style Guide DRAFT_20190725_V9_TRACKED.


SharePoint Link

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

Checklist for Dossier Finalization

Objective : To ensure Panorama analyses present visualizations with a consistent look and feel. This checklist is a reminder of items to review as analysts polish their dossiers.

This is also an opportunity to document what is done and what is outstanding.

Dossier Checklist

Requirements Fidelity


Selectors per Page


Font: Size and Color

Font: Arial


21point 18 point16 point 12 point 10 point8 point

Visualization Title

Font: Arial

Size: 10 – 12

Font Color – Dark Blue

Background Color – Default - white

Table/Grid Title and Body:

Font: Arial

Size: 8-10

Title Background Color: Grey

Title Font Color: Dark grey/black

Body Background Color: white/light grey

Body Font Color: Dark grey/black

Selector/Filter Title and Values

Font: Arial

Title Size: 9

Font Color = Blue 00467f

Background = White

Body/Filter Size = 8

Font Color = Dark Grey

Axis Titles/Labels and Marks

Font: Arial

Size: 8 – 10

Title can be slightly larger or the same as the labels and marks

Graph Legend Title and Labels

Font: Arial

Size: 8 – 10

Err on the smaller side – 8

Tool Tips

Font: Arial

Size: 8 – 10

Err on the smaller side – 8

Notes or Text Boxes

Font: Arial

Size: 8


Labels and Titles




Notes Box

Selector that shows which OU was selected


All OU Version (if relevant)

Viz overflow

Space saving


Vitara charts

Viz page overflow

Outstanding Items Comments/Notes Page by Page

Engineering Checks for Dossier Review

jb3436 commented 4 years ago

https://speakerdeck.com/jennybc/how-to-name-files View in Slack