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HTS: KP - Testing and Yied issue in Testing - Global Dossier #159

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Dossier/dashboard name: Testing Global Chapter/page: HTS: KP - Testing and Yield OU: all Issue: Global Testing dossier was producing very strange numbers for testing and yield (HTS_TST_POS was fine). When filtering to specific OUs, these numbers did not align with the numbers from the single OU dossier or the dashboard. Nor were usual disaggs available by KP. The results would also sometimes decline when you added more time periods.

When selecting multiple KP: image

Also, When looking at 2019 Q1-4 for FSW, South Africa shows 34k POS. When looking at Q1-3, the number is 37k. Similar declines for all countries checked (including Nigeria for example). None of these numbers match the POS results in the previous page either.

Concern is Panorama Functionality

Yabayabadoo commented 3 years ago

Unable to replicate issues highlighted above. Assigning @shazadahmed10 to check before closing ticket.