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Pano request from Prevention Cluster (VMMC) - display of disaggregates in the additional disaggregates table #60

Closed KTmonkey closed 5 years ago

KTmonkey commented 6 years ago

There are a couple of issues with VMMC in this table-

1) Can the default and male lines be collapsed? It's the same data, the name just changed in 2018 2) follow up should be displayed and calculated using the new vmmc_circ_followup variable and we want it to use yes/no, not show follow up by technique type

See nbr 4 in the specific issues section of the reference document: https://www.pepfar.net/OGAC-HQ/icpi/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FOGAC%2DHQ%2Ficpi%2FShared%20Documents%2FClusters%2FDIV%2FWorking%20Folder&FolderCTID=0x01200080CC6F83D1766F4D9E3497D4529EC74A&View=%7B94C838B2%2DE166%2D4122%2DB8B4%2D7BEB9E1BC12B%7D&InitialTabId=Ribbon%2ERead&VisibilityContext=WSSTabPersistence

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

This issue was determined to be outside the scope line for the Q2 release. Keeping open for tracking in future quarters.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Assigning to Katie from DIV BI lead perspective for future prioritization

aliyahwakil commented 5 years ago

Putting a note here as a reminder for myself.
For issue 1. I'm not exactly sure what it involves and wondered if it was already fixed. I'll have to ask someone that has used the dashboard previously.

For issue 2. It looks that this has been resolved as the disaggregate tables do show Yes/No for vmmc circ followup

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC @aliyahwakil close this issue?

aliyahwakil commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC @shapaklyak yes this can be closed