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Standing up a new tool #61

Closed shapaklyak closed 5 years ago

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

follow up from presentation to Leads:

Re workplan row 62: "I am looking for guidance on best practices for standing up a new tool. It would include the materials that are already posted on how to best create visuals but am seeking input on how best to organize when standing up a new tool. Do you pull together an advisory group? what is ideal size? are there project management techniques that have worked well or not so well during tool development? does this fall in this category? would this fall to DIV or OCM?"

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

this seems more process oriented and i'm wondering where we are with this....should this be dropped? There will be guidance on standing up a tool from a technical perspective in the PVA course but not what we discussed previously ^

thoughts? @KatieOC @achafetz