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Presenting the color palette #65

Closed achafetz closed 6 years ago

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Thinking about a view ways to present the color palette (in PDF from as a . Some examples below.






imujawar commented 6 years ago

These look great. I like them next to each other (so, options 1 or 4), and where the codes are easily copy-pasteable :)

achafetz commented 6 years ago

thanks, @imujawar. We'll include a csv with the same information for analysis purposes. The visual is more around presentation and a quick reference. See the table below.

@bbaack. here's my first take on presenting the color palette with a few different options. ICPI_Color_Palette.pptx

Color Palette Table

palette order color hex rgb
Autumn Woods 1 sapphire ice #335b8e 51 91 142
Autumn Woods 2 mint #6ca18f 108 161 143
Autumn Woods 3 dark khaki #b5b867 181 184 103
Autumn Woods 4 ubuntu #cc5234 204 82 52
Autumn Woods 5 amazon #d9812c 217 129 44
Autumn Woods 6 grullo #948d79 148 141 121
Coast of Bohemia 1 denim #2166ac 33 102 172
Coast of Bohemia 2 moonstone blue #67a9cf 103 169 207
Coast of Bohemia 3 beau blue #d1e5f0 209 229 240
Coast of Bohemia 4 cornell red #b2182b 178 24 43
Coast of Bohemia 5 salmon #ef8a62 239 138 98
Coast of Bohemia 6 unbleached silk #fddbc7 253 219 199
Tidepools 1 vegas gold #ceb966 206 185 102
Tidepools 2 olivine #9cb084 156 176 132
Tidepools 3 dark sky blue #6bb1c9 107 177 201
Tidepools 4 cornflower blue #6585cf 101 133 207
Tidepools 5 toolbox #7e6bc9 126 107 201
Tidepools 6 rich lilac #a379bb 163 121 187
By the Power of Grayscale 1 bone #dddddd 221 221 221
By the Power of Grayscale 2 bleakers knop #b2b2b2 178 178 178
By the Power of Grayscale 3 ford gray #969696 150 150 150
By the Power of Grayscale 4 battleship gray #808080 128 128 128
By the Power of Grayscale 5 dim gray #5f5f5f 95 95 95
By the Power of Grayscale 6 black swan #4d4d4d 77 77 77
achafetz commented 6 years ago

hey @imujawar, @abrahamagedewICPI, I wrote a function to pull in the color palettes of your choice directly into R.

#need to install from Github, so you need to install devtools
#install the ICPI Utilities package

#import Autumn Woods hex palette as vector
palette_woods <- add_color("woods")
bbaack commented 6 years ago

@achafetz, I like what you've done. I think it get's a little busy with all three elements. Can we do an informal poll to see which is more useful to analysts? My sense is that you'd need the HEX more often, since once imported to excel, you won't need to continue to look up RGBs and HEX is the standard for R.

Another thought is we could do a combo of what you've created and #4 above, with the name of the color in the white space above and HEX/RGB on the color itself. See below, I only did a couple and I realize it ruins spacing for everything. But I am flexible, all of these look great. Love the color names, yours are def better than the ones I found earlier-- as an aside, I grew up in a pink house and my mom would always say, "it's not pink, it's salmon!",


achafetz commented 6 years ago

Haha! Maybe we should rename the salmon color to "it's not pink, it's salmon" :laughing:

I do think having everything is too cramped. I like the simplicity of just the hex #'s and just proving the csv doc for everything else. I have a few things filling up my morning and early afternoon, but will try to play around with your suggestion later this afternoon.

We can poll the rest of the DIV folks early next week to see what they think.

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Oh and I pulled all the color names from Encycolorpedia, searching the hex number and seeing what color names were close to it.

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Lastly, for documenting purposes, I took advantage of this useful custom Excel function to extract the hex/rgb colors into cells rather than having to manually click 20 times through each color to get RBG and then look up its hex online.


bbaack commented 6 years ago

@achafetz Ah, i used name that color, I like encycolorpedia better. And thanks for sharing the nifty excel tip.

I assume the file you are working on is issue number 3 on the GCB task list. Have you started/do you want me to get started on the color guide? I think fonts/styles will be a little more complicated because we need to think through our recommendations.

achafetz commented 6 years ago

I actually haven't gotten that far. I only took the first stab at presenting the colors. Maybe we can schedule something next week around the fonts/styles. If you want to jump on mock visuals (I sketch out a few examples I though would be good to include below) or color guide that would be great. Think the two go hand in hand and we can tweak them when we develop out the rest of the style guide. What do you think?

From issue #64

  • Style Guide (limited to just charts/visuals?)
    • [ ] Develop ICPI color guide PDF (Aaron, Britt ....), #65
    • [ ] Discussion around components, including typeface, symbology, spacing, dates, etc (Aaron, Britt...)
    • [ ] Develop mock visuals to demonstrate (Britt...)
    • additional items?

I had sketched up a few exampels for the mock visual if that helps image

achafetz commented 6 years ago

@bbaack, I made the updates per your suggestion and think it looks pretty good.


I also mocked up another version that is circles. It's less busy. My only problem is I think some of the lighter shades might get lost.



bbaack commented 6 years ago

@achafetz i like the clean look of the circles, even if the lightest shades get lost just a bit. just seeing your note about the mock visuals. will try to get those started today or tomorrow.

imujawar commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to share some 'real-life' visuals I did in R using the color palette you guys provided! Thanks so much for sharing! image image