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Inventory of Pano Visualization Pain Points #66

Closed jb3436 closed 6 years ago

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Ticket #1363 in DATIM/Analytics Repo

Jasmine to coordinate among groups to review Pano dashboards to identify visualization pain points (ie; graph values overlapping, resizing responsiveness, etc). Once a list is created, Pano team will review to provide possible solutions. This information will be used to facilitate discussions in the Data Walk in early May.

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Draft Email (updated 4/11 after feedback from team)

Dear ICPI Cluster and Team Leads,

We have an opportunity to document “pain points” in panorama visuals and make suggestions to be taken into consideration during a half day “data walk” that Susan is having with Irum in early May. Many “pain points” are likely items that you have already submitted (great!) that may be outstanding. This is an opportunity to think bigger picture about the issues in panorama so we can identify areas of improvement within the system as we move towards building dashboards in analytic workspaces.

Assignment Scope:

Working Session (To Be Scheduled)

The DAQ, DIV, OCM, and ICEE members will participate in their role on other clusters. We expect this activity to be led by the analytic clusters and data streams.

Examples “Pain Points”: For example, the inability to compare countries in panorama. The fact that in X visual, you are unable to filter to all of the disaggregates, or that on Y visual, the text overlaps, or that the site does not resize consistently, that it doesn’t work well with Z browser or on a laptop.

Examples of Suggestions: we suggest a standard visual for targets against results for all indicators with the ability to use filters to compare countries, populations, and indicators. We suggest not including suggestions for “new” visualizations in this discussion as the focus of this is on the functionality of the site.

Out of Scope: Suggestions for including new visualizations, however, if a technical area/indicator/population is not represented, consider how expanded functionality could resolve this. Reminder that this exercise is not about prioritization of what is put into panorama, but to highlight the areas where the platform as it is set up now does not necessarily due certain visuals, technical areas, or populations justice.

Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. As always, feel free to stop by, email, or slack!

Feel free to comment on this in GitHub https://github.com/ICPI/DIV/issues/66


KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@jb3436 reading through this and knowing that it is coming to me to do for Treatment, I actually think I could do a better job at this sitting in a room with folks walking through dashboards, bouncing ideas off each other. It would be ideal to have Diagnosis and Treatment together but then again, I think there are benefits of having Prevention, GIS and SIMS part of the discussion as well. Now this seems too large. However, I do know that to get out of our technical silos, I will need other program areas at the table contributing to the conversation. I know people don't want more meetings but just throwing this idea out there.

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

@KatieOC - that sounds like a great suggestion. I can send this email out and add that we will schedule a working meeting to do some of this together to break down silos. So in advance of the meeting, analysts should have our assignments and then we can go through our general suggestions that cross technical areas.

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Update: No longer doing inventory of pain points at this time.

Jasmine and Susan discussed the data walk and Susan suggested that the pain points discussion happen organically during the data walk. The exercise may be better timed once the workspaces goes live and there is a need to look holistically at the new platform.

Top pain points:

  1. Lack of universal filters: Inability to quickly disaggregate tables or visuals by male, female, or children (where appropriate) and then finer age and sex from there.
  2. Lack of scrolling (long)
  3. Text size issues
  4. Style: Lack of standard look for each visual (chart, table, summary)
  5. Comparisons: Inability to compare two different things are the same hierarchy level: 2 OUs, 2 IMs, 2 populations etc.
  6. External consistency with DATIM
  7. Data Correctness: Displaying indicators with numerators and denominators correctly GIS: Inability to combine geospatial analysis and site level outlier analysis in useful way

Link to ticket #1363 in the analytics repo

Closing this ticket as we will most likely NOT be doing this exercise this fiscal year.