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Review Feedback from Leads #69

Closed bowdenj closed 6 years ago

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Per today's DIV team meeting, we would like the full team to review the feedback from the Agency Leads from our presentation on Friday 3/30.

You can find our workplan in #14 - the scope of work is in the first tab. You can also find the full deck from our presentation in #47 for your reference.

Please use this space for discussion around the feedback and our proposed next steps. We'll be discussing this feedback in our meeting next week - to be scheduled either Monday or Tuesday. Cluster Pres Fbk_DIVteam_04092018.docx

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

notes from today's meeting can be found in the wiki

@ICPI/div please see above task

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Just as a point of order (not to be the GitHub police :octocat: :policeman:), but we shouldn't have final docs in issues (eg workplan and presentation); it should only be drafts or temp docs. All living documents should stored in the "Code" section of the repo or the wiki. When closing out the ticket you can point to the location.

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

good pt @achafetz , and also final docs should be also be posted to Cluster folder in sharepoint.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @achafetz - you're right! Posted to SharePoint here for now in our Administration folder - link below - in case others want to view. @shapaklyak can you add to wiki?


shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

Please review @achafetz @bowdenj @KatieOC DIV responses and add comments on workspaces @bshook


achafetz commented 6 years ago

minor comments added.