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GCB Current Tasks, Apr 16- May 1 #70

Closed achafetz closed 5 years ago

achafetz commented 6 years ago

GCB current topics for work prior to our meeting in two weeks (edit this issue and add your name/tasks below):

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

Regarding bullet 2 on Back end of Excel Tools guidance

achafetz commented 6 years ago

@shapaklyak, maybe it's just easiest to schedule a time. My suggestion would be a time Thursday afternoon, say 2pm (unfortunately, I'm not around M-W and off F).

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

@achafetz Thursday works for me. fyi..i'm out of office 4/24-27, and then on AL 4/30-5/2, could we do it on 5/3 if others are available?

achafetz commented 6 years ago

When is the Q2 structured dataset released? This should probably happen well in advance per Jasmine's and other leads' input.

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

May 22nd, @abrahamagedewICPI @kschlenker ..right?

jaliasd commented 6 years ago

@shapaklyak May 25th is what @abrahamagedewICPI said yesterday.

abeagedew commented 6 years ago

The scheduled release date is May 22nd. Here is the Wiki link.