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FY18 Q2 Clean Panorama Testing Schedule (POART Dashboards) #79

Closed jb3436 closed 6 years ago

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Dashboard Testing Status

Check off below once you have completed the testing of a dashboard. Feel free to update which tabs were completed if you did not finish all tabs in a dashboard.

Use Slack Channel for questions and find the instructions for the activity in a PPT here on SharePoint

Panorama Dashboard


On Friday, we will try to get as much as we can get done. We will update above

Panorama Dashboard Assignees Prioritized Friday Prioritized Monday
CHIPS OU Shazad Ahmed, Shaylee Mehta, Katie O’Connor Shazad  
CHIPS P/M Shazad Ahmed, Shaylee Mehta, Katie O’Connor Shazad  
CHIPS GLOBAL Shazad Ahmed, Shaylee Mehta, Katie O’Connor Shazad  
GEND_GBV OU Kimi Sato, Erin Schelar   x
GEND_GBV P/M Kimi Sato, Erin Schelar   x
OVC OU Katya Noykhovich, Erin Schelar Jasmine  
OVC P/M Katya Noykhovich, Erin Schelar Jasmine  
OVC GLOBAL Katya Noykhovich, Erin Schelar Jasmine  
PMTCT OU Katie O’Connor, Jamie Houston Katie  
PMTCT P/M Katie O’Connor, Jamie Houston Katie  
Retention OU Yaa Obeng-Aduasare , Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil   x
Retention P/M Yaa Obeng-Aduasare , Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil   x
SIMS Audrey Knutson, Shaylee Mehta, Rebecca Hession Audrey  
TB OU Catherine Nichols,  Katya Noykhovich Jess & Pooja  
TB P/M Catherine Nichols,  Katya Noykhovich Jess and Pooja  
TB GLOBAL Catherine Nichols,  Katya Noykhovich Jess and Pooja  
Treatment Continuum OU Katie O’Connor, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil, Lana Lee Aliyah, Jess, Katie  
Treatment Continuum P/M Katie O’Connor, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil, Lana Lee Aliyah  
Treatment Continuum Global Katie O’Connor, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil, Lana Lee Aliyah  
Treatment Summary OU Katie O’Connor, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil, Lana Lee Jamie  
Treatment Summary P/M Katie O’Connor, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Aliyah Abdul Wakil, Lana Lee Jamie  
Viral Load OU Yaa Obeng-Aduasare, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Anubhuti Mishra -  x
Viral Load P/M Yaa Obeng-Aduasare, Michelle Williams-Sherlock, Anubhuti Mishra -  x
VMMC OU Brittney Baack, Couper Turkewitz, Kimi Sato/Erin Schelar Brittney  & jess  - Fix for FY15 and FY16 follow up status calculation going in for fast follow
VMMC P/M Brittney Baack, Couper Turkewitz, Kimi Sato/Erin Schelar Brittney & Jess  - Fix for FY15 and FY16 follow up status calculation going in for fast follow
VMMC GLOBAL Brittney Baack, Couper Turkewitz, Kimi Sato/Erin Schelar Brittney & Jess  - Fix for FY15 and FY16 follow up status calculation going in for fast follow
Age/Sex Dashboards Katie O’Connor, Jason Roffenbender Jason  
Age/Sex Global Katie O’Connor, Jason Roffenbender Jason  
KatieOC commented 6 years ago

I made some edits to the table to reflect a switch on people assigned. @HoustonJamie @aliyahwakil

shazadahmed10 commented 6 years ago

@bowdenj Apologies if this was addressed - I just did a (very)quick run through in the slides, and didn't see it there either: how should we verify the "global" numbers in Pano? I just finished CHIPS visuals for OU and P/M, but not sure how to proceed with global Thanks!!

shazadahmed10 commented 6 years ago

Hmm, Also, i think the MSD datasets are just PSNU datasets, not PSNUxIM. Can someone else confirm this?

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

@shazadahmed10 - i think you are right. I am using the Uganda one. @abrahamagedewICPI

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

@shazadahmed10 , for the global dashboards, you can still select an OU from the drop down filter once in that dashboard. Ideally it should be exactly the same as the OU review you did. I just finished comparing for OVC and it looks the same. All the same things are correct and all the same issues exist. I posted this on slack.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

@shazadahmed10 - Thanks - I think you're right. Stephanie is checking the script.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Ok - apologies all! We are re-running the scripts for Uganda and Swaziland. For now, please focus testing on OU/SNU and Global - new IM datasets will be posted shortly and I'll announce here when they're up!

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

The Swaziland PSNUxIM dataset has now been posted. Uganda is expected up in about 20 min.


bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi all - brief summary in the attached. Will continue to work on this as more come in. Some of these are summaries, their details can be added as needed if issues are not resolved by the release. Thank you all for the hard work so far! Issues Tracker Q2.xlsx

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi All - thank you for the continued effort today. Please see the updated tracking document (high-level summaries of issues here). Please let me know if there is anything I have missed from this tracker. Issues Tracker Q2_v0521.xlsx

KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@bowdenj if you look at the PMTCT OU dashboard, look at the table. the spacing is slight off in FY18 so the table looks a little warped, Is this worth adding a ticket for this or leave as is?

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hey @KatieOC - I put the issue in the development team's PMTCT testing ticket (https://github.com/pepfar-datim/Analytics/issues/520). We can see whether they can resolve it for this release or if it will be in a future one, but either way good to have it documented.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Also adding here what was on the Slack channel this morning: that the Pano release has been pushed to 5/23 (tomorrow) due to a bug in the ETL impacting cumulative results for a number of indicators.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hey @KatieOC - Janice put in a fix for the spacing/alignment. I think it looks better, but please feel free to take a look and confirm.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi testers! Updated issues document here. Please let me know if you do not see an issue you submitted on this list and you still see it appearing in the dev environment. Issues Tracker Q2_v0522.xlsx

Thank you all again so much for your hard work!

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Updated document again. Looks like all issues not documented as known items potentially to be included in the fast-follow (first four rows) have been resolved at this time. Issues Tracker Q2_v0522_v2.xlsx

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi All: The Pano team is now putting up the maintenance page to deploy live Panorama. At this time, please refrain from using the Dev site.

After the release, if you see any new data issues that may have been missed before, you can and should still report them to the team! Please follow the process outlined in our wiki (https://github.com/ICPI/DIV/wiki/Process-for-Submitting-Panorama-Requests:-Data-Updates-and-New-Visualizations).

If you see an issue, please report it through the Panorama support site:

support site

The team will work to try to correct any reported issues before the June 1 fast-follow. Otherwise, they may be fixed in a subsequent release.

Ana and the development team pass along a sincere thank you for all the work that was done in preparing for this release. I'd like to hold a retrospective for this team to comment on how this went and any updates you'd like to see made to the process. A separate ticket will be opened for that.

In the meantime, Dev testing is now complete. Thank you all again for your help. Closing this ticket.