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Q3 Pano Testing Schedule #88

Closed bowdenj closed 6 years ago

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Per conversation in the Q2 Pano testing retrospective, we want to prepare for testing Panorama dashboards in advance, using the method of one key PoC per dashboard type. Below please find the timeline, scope, and draft assignments for each of the ICPI/Pano dashboards for Q3:

Timeline 8/15 - Q3 data closes in DATIM 8/17, 8/20, 8/21 - Pano dashboards available for testing in Dev 8/22 - Pano Q3 dashboards released


Please feel free to reference the attached PowerPoint for instructions on how to access and test dashboards, and how to communicate issues.

Testing Assignments/Dashboard PoCs CHIPS OU - Shazad CHIPS P/M - Shazad CHIPS GLOBAL - Shazad


OVC OU - Katya OVC P/M - Katya

PMTCT OU - Katie PMTCT P/M - Katie

Retention OU - Yaa Retention P/M - Yaa

TB OU - Catherine TB P/M - Catherine TB GLOBAL - Catherine

Treatment Summary OU - Aliyah Treatment Summary P/M - Aliyah

Viral Load OU - Anubhuti Viral Load P/M - Anubhuti

VMMC OU - Brittney B VMMC P/M - Brittney B VMMC GLOBAL - Brittney B

Note: The SIMS dashboard has been pulled down for this request per request from Shabeen as a result of the pre-Q3 QC. Therefore, we will not be testing Q3 SIMS until that dashboard has been posted.

If a PoC is unavailable during the proposed testing time period, they are welcome to transfer testing responsibilities to another colleague by editing the above comment and assigning the new tester, and writing a new comment to inform test leads that a new assignment has been made.

@shapaklyak @KatieOC @jb3436 - Please review and provide updates as needed to this list. @pvinayak001 FYI


shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

referencing feedback from prior testing https://github.com/ICPI/DIV/issues/80

MicSherlock commented 6 years ago

I will be sure to cover disags in Treatment Continuum and will also take a look at disags page for the treatment indicators particularly, since we noticed errors on Net New.

Regarding Treatment Summary Dashboard...We have been talking about taking that dashboard down until it can be corrected in Analytic Workspace. The Dashboard as it is exists is not very useful. Is it possible to turn it off?

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @MicSherlock - Having at least one key PoC per dashboard is great. You're more than welcome to do additional testing on other dashboards outside of these assignments.

In terms of turning dashboards off temporarily, I would defer to Jason and Ana. I'll send them an email and copy you and @Yabayabadoo to discuss that option for Q3. Thanks.

KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@bowdenj looks like a comment I wrote a few days ago I never hit "Comment" but I wanted to ask those that are reviewng dashboards to please check age disaggs. Finally, is there someone also available to check the age/sex disagg dashboard and additional dashboard? I have seen errors here consistently over the last few quarters. Minor but errors nonetheless.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi @katieOC - thanks for the question. The above dashboards are the ones that are the minimum requirement for us to test. You're welcome to look at any dashboards on Pano if you believe the data should be checked. It should just be on top of the above assignments, not instead of them, if that makes sense. Thank you!

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Thanks all for the meeting this afternoon. If anybody who missed the meeting would like to walk through an example of testing, please reach out to Pooja or myself prior to 8/17. Thank you!

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi All - Heads up that due to ETL issues, we do not expect that the Pano dashboards will be available for Q3 data testing until later in the afternoon on Friday. When we have a better sense of the exact timing, we will let you know. Thank you!

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Hi All - Rescinding my most recent comment: The Pano dashboards will be ready for testing in the Dev site first thing tomorrow morning.

They will then be taken offline briefly as an ETL finishes closer to 9:00PM on Friday. They will be available again for testing starting on Monday morning.

I will send out an email tomorrow with the links contained in this ticket as well as the link to the test MER and SIMS Structured Datasets.

bowdenj commented 6 years ago

Closing this ticket as Pano is now live. Thank you!