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Testing addition of Q2 indicators to Q3 Panorama release #95

Closed pvinayak001 closed 5 years ago

pvinayak001 commented 6 years ago

Per Analytics ticket 1624, the Panorama team has added Q2 indicators into 6 Panorama dashboards for Q3. Please test the dashboards below to confirm that the indicators have been added correctly.

Timeline: 9/6-9/7 Test dashboards Q2 indicators can be deployed to production once testing is complete.

Scope: Compare Q2 indicators against MER Structured Dataset or DATIM to confirm that the values are displaying correctly.

Test environment: https://dev.pepfar-panorama.org/PEPFARLanding/#/login Username and password will provided via email by Pooja or @KatieOC

@KatieOC Please assign testers to dashboards.

pvinayak001 commented 6 years ago

@mehtasp @kkale25 @jb3436 FYI

KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@kimisatoPC can you do Mech by SNU? @jb3436 can you do OU level & All Mech? end @kkale25 can you do SNU level? @mehtasp can you do completeness review? @hessionra can you do narratives?

pvinayak001 commented 6 years ago

Hi all, I have flagged the issue with the password for the Pano team. I'll post an update as soon as I hear back. Thanks!

pvinayak001 commented 6 years ago

The test account has been re-enabled. Please try again with the same credentials and let me know if you have any issues. Thanks!

hessionra commented 6 years ago

Narratives is checked, good to go!

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Did All Mech and OU

KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@pvinayak001 A non MER indicator is showing up “OVC_HIVST” This is an essential survey indicator and should not be displaying here.

KatieOC commented 6 years ago

@pvinayak001 in the Mech by SNU dashboard, I don't see TB_ART, TB_STAT or SC_Stock. Should all semi-annual results be included? The ticket in the Datim-Analytic repo doesn't have the full or accurate list of semi-annual indicators.


kkale25 commented 6 years ago

Got instruction from Katie to pause QC due to some issues. I had just started but found two issues:

pvinayak001 commented 6 years ago

Thanks all for testing. Issues noted in corresponding Analytics ticket: https://github.com/pepfar-datim/Analytics/issues/1624

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@kkale25 I am getting the same values listed in MSD and Pano. Can you double-check your pivots or can we compare?

Using CDI PSNUxIM MSD for Q3 initial:


kkale25 commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 Hey - just double checked on a new pivot I just created. Both issues are matching - no longer a problem.

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@kkale25 Thanks Kashmira!

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

Hi @KatieOC TB_ART, TB_STAT, TB_STAT_POS have been added to the dashboards. Please let me know when the second round of testing is complete. The dev environment link and credentials are the same. Thanks!

kimisatoPC commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 @KatieOC I'm still not seeing any Q2/Q4 prevention indicators in any of the dashboards. I thought this had been fixed? But I might have missed something. Looking specifically for PP_PREV and OVC_SERV

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@kimisatoPC , @jb3436 , @kkale25 , @mehtasp, @hessionra, can you all test the same dashboards but check TB_ART, TB_STAT, and TB_STAT_POS?

@kimisatoPC We need to test the TB indicators, and get final sign off from Jason R before going live in Panorama. I will email Jason but he is out at a training this week and might not be able to approve until Monday.

cnichols3h commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 @kimisatoPC @jb3436 @kkale25 @mehtasp @hessionra - Hi all! I'm checking TB_ART, TB_STAT and TB_STAT_POS right now.

cnichols3h commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 @KatieOC Here's the verdict. All Mech, OU level, SNU level, and Narratives match for TB_STAT, TB_STAT_POS and TB_ART. For the completeness review, is that supposed to only apply to Q3 indicators? The title of the page currently says that (a little confusing if you're looking at % completeness for Q2 indicators) and data is missing for results and % completeness for TB_STAT and TB_ART. I noticed something strange w/ the disagg. dashboards for TB_STAT and _POS. The actual disagg. is a combo of age/sex/status (therefore it used to be on the 'additional disaggs' dashboard and not on the age/sex disaggs dashboard). But now the disaggs. for TB_STAT appear on the age/sex disaggs. dashboard and the status piece has been dropped. It's important to keep the full disagg. (ie. the status piece...even if this means moving these disaggs back to the 'additional disaggs' dashboard). TB_ART disaggs. work differently and are ok on these pages. Feel free to dm me if this is not clear....thanks!

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@cnichols3h Any issues with the Mech by SNU tab? I will include your feedback on the completeness review tab in the corresponding Analytics ticket and start a new ticket for the disag tab. May need to get some more detail from you on the disag tab issue.

shapaklyak commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 @cnichols3h just tested Mech by SNU - values match between dev & MSD for Kenya across TB_STAT, TB_STAT_POS, and TB_ART. Emailing spreadsheet with documented matches.

cnichols3h commented 5 years ago

@shapaklyak - thank you!! @pvinayak001 - whoops, i meant to confirm that was ok. thank you also for proceeding w/ creating a ticket for the disagg. table...i brought it up b/c i think it's a related issue of why % completeness doesn't show up properly for TB_STAT on that dashboard.

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

@KatieOC Testing passes for OU level, SNU level, All Mech, Mech by SNU, and Narratives. These have been marked as ready for release.

For completeness review, the developers have said it would require an enhancement request to add Q2 data. I have asked them to keep the dashboard as-is, rather than adding Q2 indicator names without showing the data as well. Please let me know if you would like to submit an enhancement request for updating the completeness review tab.

cnichols3h commented 5 years ago

@pvinayak001 @KatieOC Thanks to both of you. My (unsolicited) 2 cents is that it's not essential to have the % completeness page completed for the TB/HIV indicators, so I'm ok with this omission.

pvinayak001 commented 5 years ago

Deployed to Panorama 9/28.