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Training Evaluation/Knowledge assessment #12

Closed shapaklyak closed 6 years ago

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

@kkale25 would be good to add the following questions to the post-training evaluation. were you able to login using the credentials @jb3436 emailed last week to copy over the tableau evaluation? let me know if you need any help w/it.

kkale25 commented 6 years ago

Hi all - please see the link below (and PDF attachment) for the training evaluation form.

@shazadahmed10 @achafetz - Could you please add the content for Question 10 so we can evaluate people's comfort with certain tasks in R. I'm not the right person to put that in since I don't know much about the content. Remember, these should only be the tasks that you plan to cover/discuss in Sessions 1 and 2. Just respond to this issue with the tasks by COB Wednesday (tomorrow) and I'll add them into the form.


R Training Evaluation_08212018.pdf

As an example, below are the tasks listed for this question in the Tableau training evaluation:

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

@kkale25 did you see the question on content in the pre-training assessment? Use the same fields from that for the content question on the evaluation please. thanks!

kkale25 commented 6 years ago

Ahh – I didn’t think of that. Ok I’ll add that in.

kkale25 commented 6 years ago

@shazadahmed10 @shapaklyak Looking through the pre-assessment skills questions, it seems that some of those will be covered in later sessions. This post-training eval is just for Sessions 1 and 2 so we'll need to filter the skills questions based on what is actually covered in these first sessions.

@shazadahmed10 - can you help filter those out and let me know?

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

@kkale25 suggest taking out the last question about attendance at session 3 or 4 since that is pending how tomorrow's training goes. for content keep the following for question "Please rate yourself on how comfortable you are with the below tasks in RStudio: " 1-3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. is this correct @shazadahmed10 ... not sure about merging.


kkale25 commented 6 years ago

From @shazadahmed10

  1. Navigating the RStudio interface
  2. Understanding how to open/close files in RStudio
  3. Understanding R packages
  4. Importing a dataset into R
  5. Viewing/exploring the dataset
  6. Sorting variables
  7. Subsetting for variables
  8. Subsetting for values/rows
  9. Creating new variables
  10. Stacking datasets
  11. Using Piping %>% to simplify code
  12. Exporting a dataset
  13. Managing PEPFAR data on your own in RStudio
kkale25 commented 6 years ago

Final Eval based on @shazadahmed10 and @shapaklyak comments:


shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

thanks @kkale25 & @shazadahmed10 ! here's a shortened URL to put up on the screen on the slides at the end: https://bit.ly/2MMy5UA

kkale25 commented 6 years ago

Thanks everyone! I'll close out this issue.