ICPI / Data-Core-Competencies-using-R

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Outline for Session 3 and 4 (Draft) #28

Open kkale25 opened 6 years ago

kkale25 commented 6 years ago

From Shazad....

Session 3: Advanced data manipulation methods • Transposing (wide to long, long to wide) • Creating calculated indicators (ex: proxy testing to tx linkage, yield) • Merging on a primary key (joins) • Iterating: intro to functions.

Session 4: Data visualization, graphs, tables, maps • ggplot2 package? • Line graphs • Bar graphs • Scatter plot • Maps

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Updated Friday 9/21

Session 3:

Session 4

Proposed Dates


anu87 commented 5 years ago

Tidyverse functions to cover in Session 3:

1. Transposing / wide-long transformations / data wrangling

2. Joins

3. Functions in R

4. RDS - R data files?

5. String manipulation?

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @anu87 for going through the functions. Looking for others to provide feedback by COB Wednesday so the POCs can begin developing content.

@jaliasd @wvp3 @bshook @achafetz @shazadahmed10 @imujawar @Yabayabadoo