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Language for Reminder Email - 10/17 #36

Closed kkale25 closed 4 years ago

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Subject Line: ICPI R Training: Sessions 3 and 4 - Important Reminders and Agenda!

Dear all,

We look forward to hosting you at the ICPI R Training tomorrow and Friday. Please see below for the agenda for Sessions 3 and 4. As a reminder, Session 3 is on Thursday, 10/18 from 10AM - 5PM and Session 4 is on Friday, 10/19 from 9AM - 1PM.

The sessions will be held at ICPI. We're located at 1800 G St NW. Upon entering the building, please go through security, present your USG badge, and come up to the 10th floor of the building. The conference room is called "Shared Conference A/B". We will be by the elevators to help guide you to the room.

****Rebecca: Please insert the two tables from the agenda attached here.

To attend virtually, please use the following: Conference Line: (877) 336.1839 Access Code: 5428682 Adobe Connect: ****Please add adobe connect link!

All participants must fulfill the following requirements (please complete the entire list before training day):

  1. Have R and R Studio installed on their computers

    • Download R here
    • Download R Studio here
  2. Review recordings of Sessions 1 and 2 (if you did not attend Sessions 1 and 2, you must review these recordings and complete the exercises to be eligible to attend Sessions 3 and 4)

  3. Submit the Culmination Exercises for both Session 1 and Session 2 to icpi@state.gov by Wednesday, 10/17. You will not receive a training completion certificate without submitting these to ICPI!

    • Files needed to complete Culmination Exercises can be found here

Please email icpi@state.gov if you have any questions.

Thank you, ICPI

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

R Training Sessions 3_4_Agenda_10172018.docx