ICPI / Data-Core-Competencies-using-R

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PVA First Session Topics/Videos #39

Closed shazadahmed10 closed 3 years ago

shazadahmed10 commented 4 years ago

Later Sessions?:

-if a topic is a natural extension, then roll out with initial content -if standalone advanced, then rollout later

shazadahmed10 commented 4 years ago

Mtg 8/19:

jessihandy commented 4 years ago

I figured instead of a word document, I'd show how to do a screen recording by actually doing it. Hopefully this helps!


jessihandy commented 4 years ago

Proposed assignments/workflow. R_S1_Assignments.docx

jessihandy commented 4 years ago

Scripts and draft R script for sessions 2-4. Please review and edit by 9/4 so I/whoever can have the following week to produce the ppt/videos by 9/10. R_S1_Scripts_JH.zip

jessihandy commented 3 years ago

Handed off for PRIME review 9/14