ICPI / Data-Core-Competencies-using-R

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Develop core competencies #5

Closed shapaklyak closed 6 years ago

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Here are the core competencies as I see them:

  1. principles of tidy data
  2. reproducibility/transparency
  3. workflow basics
  4. data visualizing (basics)
  5. data tranformation (filtering, selecting, mutating)
  6. conditions - if/ifelse statements
  7. summarizing data
  8. reshaping data
  9. merging datasets
  10. iterating
  11. working with string data
  12. importing/exporting/data formats

[edited during the meeting, 4/10]

jaliasd commented 6 years ago

I would just add something (or include this inside one of the above (#7)) something about exploring data; ie being able to tabulate different subsets of results based on conditions. Like tab var1 var1 if var3==x in stata

achafetz commented 6 years ago

We're meeting in the North America room at 10am today (Apr 10) to discuss.

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Next steps:

moved to wiki