ICPI / Data-Core-Competencies-using-R

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Pre-training assessment #8

Closed shapaklyak closed 6 years ago

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

Questions from Tableau training: ICPI Tableau Registration & Pre-Training Assessment.pdf

Next step: Katya will revise for R training and share here for comments

FYI: @shazadahmed10 @imujawar @jb3436 @kkale25 @jaliasd @achafetz @HoustonJamie

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

@shazadahmed10 @imujawar @jb3436 @kkale25 @jaliasd @achafetz @HoustonJamie

Please see R Training registration & assessment linked here. This is intended to capture skills across all 4 sessions. Provide comments in this issue.

to be added - is there an intro video that can be linked in the registration for participants to watch prior to the training ? Ideally this would be something to familiarize participants w/the layout of R/RStudio and address any basic questions before the training.


shazadahmed10 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @shapaklyak! I've attached my feedback below and sent you an email. Let me know if I should make the changes to the pre-assessment!

• push back assessment close date to 8/10? We can send out assessment on Monday 7/30 with an announcement at inbrief • bold ‘and’ in instructions to download both R and Rstudio – want to make sure folks have both • also add text in intro text saying the training will tentatively be split into 4 sessions: o Session 1: R basics & Data Manipulation o Session 2: More Data Manipulation o Session 3: Even More Data Manipulation (wanted to avoid saying ‘advanced’ to scare ppl off) o Session 4: Data Visualization • in Agency question, SAMHSA has a typo • I would move open ended questions 1 & 2 (see below) to after ‘will you attend’ question since at the end of survey, folks may not have motivation/patience to type out open ended answers


For intro text as well: Good intro video on Using RStudio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riONFzJdXcs How to download R & RStudio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZbjUEg4a1g Coding Basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYclmg1_KLk&t=0s&list=PLqzoL9-eJTNBDdKgJgJzaQcY6OXmsXAHU&index=4

shazadahmed10 commented 6 years ago

the only thing I could think of that I didn't comment on was office hours. Perhaps next week, we have a follow up meeting where we discuss progress and determine office hours and delegation of other tasks.

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

thanks @shazadahmed10 for the comments. i've made updates in the survey. https://goo.gl/forms/ttz4boodSwK3vDYf1

@achafetz were you planning to review?

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

I think that for the intro part of the assessment we should remove the links to resources. It makes it look really busy. We can include the links in the email we send out and in the email we send to people confirming their registration. What do you think @shazadahmed10 @shapaklyak @achafetz

I made updates to the form (linked here)

Links to remove from form and include in emails

Please make sure you have the most recent versions of both R AND RStudio installed. Download R: https://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/ Download RStudio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

In preparation for this training, we recommend viewing the following videos: Good intro video on Using RStudio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riONFzJdXcs How to download R & RStudio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZbjUEg4a1g Coding Basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYclmg1_KLk&t=0s&list=PLqzoL9-eJTNBDdKgJgJzaQcY6OXmsXAHU&index=4

FYI @hessionra

achafetz commented 6 years ago

Survey looks solid. The links can be added to the resource page in the wiki.

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Drafted registration email to send to ICPI and SI advisors. @hessionra will send OOB 8/2

If anyone has comments - please respond here or via email just sent. @shapaklyak @achafetz @shazadahmed10 @kkale25

Draft Email

To: ICPI analysts and SI advisors and CC: ICPI leads, Irum, and Kelling Subject: REGISTER: R Training Course – Registration Closes 8/10

Dear ICPI and SI Communities, Feel free to share this with your colleagues who may benefit from this course

Please register for the ICPI R Course if you would like to attend sessions. See dates below. The deadline for registration is August 10, 2018. We have a limited number of seats due to the size of the rooms so we will need an accurate headcount for each session.

Purpose: The purpose of this 4 session course is to learn how to manipulate and visualize the PEPFAR data in R using the MER structured datasets. Additional details and resources will be shared with registered participants.

Key Dates:

Resources: Please make sure you have the most recent versions of both R AND RStudio installed.

In preparation for this training, we recommend viewing the following videos:

Email with any questions or concerns icpi@state.gov

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

I added the links to the wiki page

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Email sent out 8/2