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ICPI Engagement Requests (includes virtual support, analytic requests, TDYs, RTDYs)
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TZ Maps Request - Jenny Ward #55

Closed kkale25 closed 5 years ago

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Interagency request from Jenny Ward in TZ on 3/19:

Description of request: The first is a map request displaying HTS_POS contribution by modality for adult males and females separately in a two panel map, with pie chart overlays at the regional level (one node above TZ PSNU) as per the attached Uganda slide. We will confirm tomorrow, but I believe we would want to map cumulative FY18Q1-Q4 results.

The second request (men slide attached from DRC) is not specific to the GIS workstream, but also involves testing quarterly results.

For the map time period, either all of FY2018, or potentially one for FY18Q1+Q2 and one for FY18Q3+Q4, since we know many things changed programmatically as the fiscal year went on.

See analyses referenced in request description here:

Timeline: by 4/5 ideally

ICPI POC assigned: TBD

gsarfaty commented 5 years ago

Zhanar has volunteered to support and will submit draft to GIS team by 4/4 so that any necessary revisions can be made 4/5, with final delivered by 4/8.

NateHeard commented 5 years ago

I've identified an error in the uid for Mpanda district and uploaded a shapefile with the correction to ArcGIS Online. The error will affect data joins. @kzhanar can download the file from AGOL, or swap out vAuW6hf6KGW for the correct uid, fbNkC6ydQzQ, in the shapefile she is using.

gsarfaty commented 5 years ago

Zhanar produced a draft map of Tanzania testing modalities by region. The draft can be found here, along with the Uganda example.

Just like in the Uganda example, Zhanar added pie charts of the totals for male and female. However, the pie chart totals and the legend contain the same information and could be condensed and re-visualized to improve aesthetics and interpretation. Accordingly, Zhanar can remove the pie charts with the totals and replace the legend with bar charts. The bar charts would act as the legends. See this example: http://www.visualisingdata.com/2016/04/little-visualisation-design-part-14/

Given the large # of modalities, Zhanar is interested in whether or not some could be combined.

Zhanar will await feedback from the team with respect to if/how the draft should be modified.

GS sending email to group today 4/8 with this summary included.

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the updated @gsarfaty. Is this engagement complete? If so, we can close!

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Hi @gsarfaty and @kzhanar: is this request complete? If so, can you post the link to the final output and close the ticket?


kzhanar commented 5 years ago

hi @kkale25, this request is complete. Here is the link to the final map "Tanzania_Testing_modalities_regions_v2" here.