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ICPI Engagement Requests (includes virtual support, analytic requests, TDYs, RTDYs)
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Interagency Onboarding Training (June 2019) #61

Closed kkale25 closed 5 years ago

kkale25 commented 5 years ago
  1. ICPI@state.gov to send out registration link (@kkale to send reminder email to @hessionra ) a. Every 2 weeks starting at 6 weeks to training (@jleehurst to send follow-up reminders to @hessionra) b. Share registration information with Leads at 4 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week (@jleehurst to compile)
  2. Agenda creation a. Send first draft to Leads 6 weeks before training (@kkale to develop first draft) b. Set final draft approved by Leads 4 weeks before training (@jleehurst to finalize) c. Send final draft to presentation POCs 4 weeks before training (@jleehurst to send) d. Develop final draft with POCs feedback, POC names, locations, date/times 2 weeks before training (@jleehurst to finalize)
  3. Communication with participants a. Registration link sent via icpi@state.gov (@kkale to develop email/send to @hessionra) b. Registration confirmation email (@jleehurst to develop, ICPI to send) - DONE d. Final email with final agenda/all logistics info/pre-work/etc (see Github) – 1 week before training (@jleehurst) e. After training- email all materials, feedback forms, etc. (see Github) (@jleehurst) f. Day-long calendar invites (@jleehurst)
  4. Communication with POCs a. Email with draft agenda asking for feedback– 4 weeks before training (@jleehurst to send; @kkale to help develop timeline) b. Email with final agenda, POC names, etc- 2 weeks before training (@jleehurst to send) c. Calendar invites for individual POCs – 1-2 weeks before training(@jleehurst)
  5. Logistics (@jleehurst, @kkale25 and @hessionra as needed) a. Sign in sheet b. Location reservations – breakout sessions plus other sessions c. Registration tracking (Google forms) d. Debrief questions e. Post-training evaluation (Google forms) f. Sharepoint folder organization
  6. Day-of Logistics (@jleehurst and @hessionra as needed) a. Organize tables b. Registration/sign-in sheet c. Finding people to come provide presentations d. Breakfast logistics e. Turn on/off projectors
kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Registration Confirmation Email - @kkale25 asked @hessionra / @jb3436 to send via ICPI account.


This email confirms your place in the ICPI Interagency Onboarding Training from June 10-11, 2019. We’re looking forward to hosting you! Please see below for important information and preparation for the training. We will send you additional information, including the agenda, pre-work, etc. as we get closer to the training dates. Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.

•The training will be held from 10AM-5PM on Monday, 6/10 and 9:30AM- 4:30PM on Tuesday, 6/11.

•Both days of training will occur at the ICPI/OGAC Office at 1800 G St NW, Washington DC (10th Floor).

•ACTION: Please ensure you have access to the following systems before you arrive at ICPI

◦Panorama – you can request a new account on the main login page: https://pepfar-panorama.org

◦DATIM – you can request an account here: https://register.datim.org/ (If you haven’t logged into your DATIM account for several months, it may be deactivated so please reactive your account!)

◦PEPFAR Sharepoint – you can request account access directly through https://www.pepfar.net/

•ACTION: Review the ICPI Visitor Guide attached for instructions on getting through building security, location, etc.

•ACTION: Please bring your laptops and mobile hotspots to the training if you have them. There is no wifi in the building and we only have a few hotspots.

Please email ICPI@state.gov if you have any questions!

Thanks, ICPI

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

@jleehurst Draft agenda for training uploaded here: https://www.pepfar.net/OGAC-HQ/icpi/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FOGAC%2DHQ%2Ficpi%2FShared%20Documents%2FTrainings%2FICPI%20Interagency%20Onboarding%20Training%20%28June%202019%29&FolderCTID=0x012000C815322C717A7E4B8164EA374FA254EC002682B939F9BED347BD49E43D77D3C691&View=%7B94C838B2%2DE166%2D4122%2DB8B4%2D7BEB9E1BC12B%7D&InitialTabId=Ribbon%2ERead&VisibilityContext=WSSTabPersistence

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

Email to POCs: Kashmira forwarded to Jenny on 5/24 at 11:20AM

See below also: Hi All,

You’ve heard on the Inbrief a few times that our next Interagency Onboarding training will be held Thursday 2/28 and Friday 3/1. We’re expecting 10-20 folks to attend this training across the various agencies!

Most of you assisted in the training last time. Your Leads have given us the OK to include you in this round. This time, the prep will be a little different as it’ll be more around updating the presentations to reflect changes in COP/MER/data analytics. Please see below for deadlines for your action items:

Confirm general availability for 2/28 and 3/1 COB Tuesday 2/5 Email Kashmira directly
Send specific availability (immovable meetings only) for your assigned day   *If I don’t receive any schedule conflicts from you, your session will get scheduled assuming your day is fully available COB Monday 2/11 Email Kashmira directly
Update and finalize all presentation/other materials COB Monday 2/25 Upload on SP Folder

A few points to consider based on the feedback we received from the last training session:

  1. Please make your sessions are interactive! We are asking each presentation to incorporate at least a small interactive component.
  2. Remember that most of the audience will be new to PEPFAR and/or data analytics. Design your presentations with this in mind! Too many details on tools/MSD/MER will likely go over their heads so keep the message clear and simple.
  3. Define commonly used acronyms in your presentation early on. Please include a reference slide that describes the acronyms before you launch into your presentation.
  4. Use the ICPI presentation template. At the very least, each slide should have the ICPI logo and a slide number.
  5. Please include a final slide with your contact info if that’s appropriate for your session.

Please see below for your assignments. This agenda isn’t final and session times are subject to change. Let us know if you have any questions! [INSERT DRAFT AGENDA HERE]

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Feedback from Debrief

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

@jleehurst Please share the draft of the follow up email to send to participants thanking them for their participation and reminding them of where things are.

Include: most recent huddle "whats new in panorama webinar information" Ask which two distribution lists they would like to join. Weekly updates on ICPI from all teams (huddle) and Monthly Huddle Monthly Huddle only .

@hessionra please confirm that all attendees will be added add to ICPI listserv

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 DRAFT Email @jleehurst made minor updates. Thanks! - Jasmine

Greetings ICPI Onboarding Training Participant,

Thank you again for your participation in the ICPI June onboarding training. As promised, please find the “June Onboarding Training Presentations” on pepfar.net linked HERE. I have also attached the most recent ICPI Huddle, which provides quick links to the dashboards on SharePoint.

For your convenience, we have also included a great webinar on "what's new in Panorama" and is a great walk through of the functionality.

Additionally, please respond to this email if you would like to be subscribed to one or both of the following distribution lists: • Weekly updates from all ICPI teams (ICPI weekly Inbrief slides) • Monthly Huddle (newsletter with product updates and general news)

Thank you again for your participation and feedback.

Best, ICPI

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 thanks for your feedback. Sent!