Request Received 8/1
GIS team absorbed 8/2
Draft Maps shared with requestor 8/8
Feedback on Maps received
Maps finalized and shared
Engagement form send in by Dunstan Achwoka on 8/1
OU POC Name: Dunstan Achwoka;
Technical Area(s): DREAMS; OVC; HTS; TB/HIV; Care and TX; Adolescents; Geospatial Data; MER
Preferred Date Request is Completed By: 8/3/2019
Type of Engagement: Virtual Support
Primary Requestor(s): Dunstan Achwoka, PMS HIV Adolescents; USAID/Kenya
Summary of Request: Develop map of USAID/Kenya adolescent portfolio, including burden and current program coverage and performance
Objective of Request: Provide background analysis of adolescent landscape to inform furture program strategies and monitoring; additionally to ensure alignment of programs with COP guidance for adolescent programs.
Specific Deliverables:
Several maps:
Map showing all ALHIV in Kenya by county (source - estimates in Data Pack); with a layer or filter for USAID-supported counties (as of COP18) (source - DATIM)
Map showing unmet need for adolescents by county - burden compared with current coverage (source - DATIM)
Map showing program performance (achievement against targets and against coverage)- case identification, VLS, retention
Map to overlay with above maps showing counties with USAID OVC programs and DREAMS programs
**Population should include 10-19, ideally disaggregated into 10-14, 15-19
Intended Audience: USAID / Kenya team; USAID HQ ISMEs / TA providers
Title of Request: USAID/Kenya adolescent portfolio mapping
Kenya Maps
Request Received 8/1 GIS team absorbed 8/2 Draft Maps shared with requestor 8/8 Feedback on Maps received Maps finalized and shared
Engagement form send in by Dunstan Achwoka on 8/1
OU POC Name: Dunstan Achwoka;
Technical Area(s): DREAMS; OVC; HTS; TB/HIV; Care and TX; Adolescents; Geospatial Data; MER
Preferred Date Request is Completed By: 8/3/2019
Type of Engagement: Virtual Support
Primary Requestor(s): Dunstan Achwoka, PMS HIV Adolescents; USAID/Kenya
Summary of Request: Develop map of USAID/Kenya adolescent portfolio, including burden and current program coverage and performance
Objective of Request: Provide background analysis of adolescent landscape to inform furture program strategies and monitoring; additionally to ensure alignment of programs with COP guidance for adolescent programs.
Specific Deliverables:
Several maps:
**Population should include 10-19, ideally disaggregated into 10-14, 15-19 Intended Audience: USAID / Kenya team; USAID HQ ISMEs / TA providers
Title of Request: USAID/Kenya adolescent portfolio mapping
Requestor Name: Dunstan Achwoka2
HQ POC Name: Christy Wahle