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Interagency Onboarding Training #75

Open jb3436 opened 5 years ago

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Onboarding Checklist

  1. Registration
    • [x] Finalize Registration
    • [x] ICPI@state.gov to send out registration link
    • [ ] Every 2 weeks starting at 6 weeks to training send follow-up reminders
    • [ ] Share registration information with Leads at 4 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week
  2. Agenda creation
    • [x] Send first draft to Leads 6 weeks before training
    • [x] Set final draft approved by Leads 4 weeks before training
    • [x] Send final draft to presentation POCs 4 weeks before training
    • [ ] Develop final draft with POCs feedback, POC names, locations, date/times 2 weeks before training
  3. Communication with participants
    • [ ] Registration link sent via icpi@state.gov
    • [ ] Registration confirmation email
    • [ ] Final email with final agenda/all logistics info/pre-work/etc (see Github) – 1 week before training
    • [ ] After training- email all materials, feedback forms, etc. (see Github)
    • [ ] Day-long calendar invites
  4. Communication with POCs
    • [ ] Email with draft agenda asking for feedback– 4 weeks before training
    • [ ] Email with final agenda, POC names, etc- 2 weeks before training
    • [ ] Calendar invites for individual POCs – 1-2 weeks before training
  5. Logistics
    • [ ] Sign in sheet
    • [ ] Location reservations – breakout sessions plus other sessions
    • [ ] Registration tracking (Google forms)
    • [ ] Debrief questions
    • [ ] Post-training evaluation (Google forms)
    • [ ] Sharepoint folder organization
  6. Day-of Logistics
    • [ ] Organize tables
    • [ ] Registration/sign-in sheet
    • [ ] Finding people to come provide presentations
    • [ ] Breakfast logistics
    • [ ] Turn on/off projectors
jleehurst commented 5 years ago


Agenda Draft Completed 14 registered attendees, all USAID, except 1

jb3436 commented 5 years ago

Sessions to Complete for Onboarding Training

Saved on SharePoint here


jleehurst commented 5 years ago

Onboarding Training Agenda

ICPI Interagency Onboarding Training Agenda_Modified.docx

jleehurst commented 5 years ago


Dear Onboarding Training POCs, You’ve heard on the Inbrief a few times that our next Interagency Onboarding training will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, 10/15-10/16. We already have 16 registered attendees! Most of you assisted in the training last time. Your Leads have given us the OK to include you in this round. This time, the prep will be a little different as it’ll be more around updating the presentations to reflect changes in Dosseirs/COP/MER/data analytics. I know some of you are busy making slides for the PVA courses, and these will be a good starting place for the Onboarding training sessions. However, for the onboarding, we want to allow more time for in-depth analysis using the various platforms. Please update your slides, accordingly, but first and foremost, we want the technical sessions to be highly interactive. So, please plan fun breakouts and interactive activities. Please see below for deadlines for your action items:

Confirm general availability for 10/15-10/16 COB Wednesday 09/18 Email Jenny directly
Send specific availability (immovable meetings only) for your assigned day   *If I don’t receive any schedule conflicts from you, your session will get scheduled assuming your day is fully available COB Friday 9/20 Email Jenny directly
Update and finalize all presentation/other materials COB Tuesday 10/01 Upload on SP Folder
Session Time Presenter(s)
Check-In 9:00-9:30AM Jenny Hurst
Welcome and Review of Online Content 9:30-10:30AM Jasmine Buttolph Jamie Houston
SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dossier 10:30AM-11:30PM Shaylee Mehta, Melissa Bochnowicz
MER Overview and Clinical Cascade 11:30-12:30AM Jamie Houston, Kimi Sato
Lunch (on your own)  
Additional Data Streams 1:30-2:15PM Sam Straitz Ana Scholl
Intro. to DATIM 2:15-3:15PM Imran Mujawar
BREAK 3:15-3:30PM  
MER Structured Dataset Review 3:30-4PM Aliyah Abdul-Wakil
Recap 4PM-4:30PM Jasmine Buttolph
Session Time Presenter(s)
Review of Previous Day 9:00-9:30AM Jenny Hurst
HTS Analyses 9:30AM-10:30AM Shazad Ahmed
BREAK 10:30AM-10:45AM  
Treatment Analyses 10:45AM-11:45PM Michelle Williams-Sherlock
Lunch (on your own) 11:45-1PM
Viral Load Analyses 1-2PM Anubhuti Mishra
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM:    TB/HIV    DREAMS 2-3PM Catherine, Meaghan Kimi Sato
BREAK 3-3:15PM  
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM:    Key populations    OVC 3:15-4:15PM Mala Narasimhan Jenny Hurst Jasmine Buttolph/Caroline Clooney
Recap and Closing 4:15-4:30PM  
jb3436 commented 5 years ago

@jleehurst @cnichols3h

Updates: We need to figure out how to add Module 5: "data streams and systems" presentation to the in person agenda. Catherine, Jamie, and I looked at it and it would be hard to follow virtually. We still want Module 4 to be virtual only.

Dates: We are considering two options since we have space constraints at OGAC due to SAB on day 2 (10/16)

Option 1: Change Dates from Tues/Wed to Thurs/Fri of the same week (if conf a/b) is available @hessionra please check Option 2: Hold Day 2 of training at peace corps (if available) @jleehurst could you check with Rita if a room is available? @hessionra @jb3436 I just checked with Mahir and it looks like the shared conference room is not available. Rebecca, if you can confirm for Thursday/Friday, I can send a message to those registered.

HoustonJamie commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 Jasmine i think you mean Module 3 (virtual) and Module 4 (in person), Module 5 is the MER module.

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

UPDATED AGENDA @hessionra @jb3436 @HoustonJamie @cnichols3h @kkale25

Day 1

Session Time Time Presenter(s) Contact Info SharePoint Link
Check-In 9:00-9:30AM 30 Jenny Hurst jhurst@peacecorps.gov  
Welcome and Review of Online Content (Part I) 9:30-10:15AM 45 Jasmine Buttolph Jamie Houston jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov vie3@cdc.gov  
SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dossier 10:15-10:45AM 30 Shaylee Mehta, Melissa Bochnowicz Shaylee.p.mehta.ctr@mail.mil bochnowiczMA@state.gov SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dosser
BREAK 10:45AM-11:00AM 15      
MER Overview and Clinical Cascade 11:00-12:00AM 60 Jamie Houston Kimi Sato vie3@cdc.gov ksato@peacecorps.gov MER Overview and Clinical Cascade
Lunch (on your own) 12:00-1:00PM 60    
Data Systems Overview 1:00-2:00PM 60 Josh Davis Shazad Ahmad jodavis@usaid.gov lqa9@cdc.gov Data Systems Overview
Additional Data Streams 2:00-2:45PM 45 Sam Straitz Ana Scholl sstraitz@usaid.gov adjapovicscholl@usaid.gov  Additional Data Streams
BREAK 2:45-3:00PM 15      
MER Structured Dataset Review 3:00-4:15PM 75 Aliyah Abdul-Wakil odc3@cdc.gov MER Structured Dataset Review
Recap 4:15-4:30PM 15 Jasmine Buttolph jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov  

Day 2

Session Time Mins Presenter(s) Contact Info SharePoint Link
Review of Previous Day 9:00-9:30AM 30 Jenny Hurst jhurst@peacecorps.gov  
Welcome and Review of Online Content (Part II) 9:30AM-10:00AM 30 Jasmine Buttolph Jamie Houston jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov vie3@cdc.gov  
Intro to DATIM 10:00-10:45AM 45 Imran Mujawar Kristin Roha Lrz5@cdc.gov rohakm@state.gov Intro to DATIM
BREAK 10:45AM-11:00AM 15      
Treatment Analyses 11:00AM-12:00PM 60 Michelle Williams-Sherlock myy6@cdc.gov Treatment Analyses
Lunch (on your own) 12:00-1PM 60  
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM: Viral Load Analyses HTS Analyses 1-2PM 60 Anubhuti Mishra Shazad Ahmad nme1@cdc.gov lqa9@cdc.gov Viral Load Analyses HTS Analyses
BREAK 2-2:05PM 5    
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM:    TB/HIV Analyses    DREAMS Analyses 2:05-3:05PM 60 Catherine, Meaghan Kimi Sato cnichols@usaid.gov ksato@peacecorps.gov TB/HIV Analyses DREAMS Analyses
BREAK 3:05-3:10PM 5      
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM:    Key pop. Analyses    OVC Analyses 3:10-4:10PM 60 Mala Narasimhan Jenny Hurst Jasmine Buttolph ovu4@cdc.gov jhurst@peacecorps.gov jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov Key Pop Analyses OVC Analyses
Recap and Closing 4:15-4:45PM 30   ICPI Leads  
imujawar commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 , @jleehurst , here's the presentation overview and objectives for the module (Please let me know if this makes sense, and provide suggestions):

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

Hi all, Please complete the following prioritized modules as soon as possible for transcribing and uploading onto PVA.

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

@jb3436 , @jleehurst , here's the presentation overview and objectives for the module (Please let me know if this makes sense, and provide suggestions):

  • Familiarity with DATIM environment
  • General understanding of data entry (how data goes in!)
  • DATIM analytics (how to get data out!):

    • Ability to use Pivot Tables, Visualizer, and maps, and create dashboards.
    • Create and use favorites
  • Use Genie
  • How to report issues and troubleshoot using DATIM support image

@imujawar I think this looks really good!

jleehurst commented 5 years ago

Onboarding Email


Thank you for registering for the ICPI Onboarding Training from October 15-16, 2019. This email confirms your place in the training. We look forward to hosting you! Please see below for important details and preparation requirements:


Training Prep

Please let us know if you have any questions! We look forward to meeting you!

Best, ICPI

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Sent to participants 10/3!

jleehurst commented 4 years ago


Session Time Presenter(s) Contact Info
Check-In 9 – 9:30AM Jenny Hurst jhurst@peacecorps.gov
Welcome and Review of Online Content (Part I) 9:30 – 10:15AM Jasmine Buttolph Kashmira Kale jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov neu6@cdc.gov
SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dossier 10:15 – 10:45AM Shaylee Mehta, Melissa Bochnowicz Shaylee.p.mehta.ctr@mail.mil bochnowiczMA@state.gov
BREAK 10:45 – 11AM
Data Systems Overview 11 – 12PM Jasmine Buttolph jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov
Lunch (on your own) 12 – 12:50PM
MER Overview and Clinical Cascade 1 – 2PM Jamie Houston Kimi Sato vie3@cdc.gov ksato@peacecorps.gov
Additional Data Streams 2 – 2:45PM Sam Straitz Ana Scholl sstraitz@usaid.gov adjapovicscholl@usaid.gov
BREAK 2:45 – 3PM
MER Structured Dataset Review 3 – 4:15PM Aliyah Abdul-Wakil odc3@cdc.gov
Recap 4:15 – 4:30PM Jasmine Buttolph jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov

Wednesday, October 16 Morning Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room Breakout Sessions Location: Asia Conference Room and Nelson Mandela Room (both 10th Floor)

Session Time Presenter(s) Contact Info
Review of Previous Day 9 – 9:30AM Jenny Hurst jhurst@peacecorps.gov
Review of Online Content (Part II) 9:30 – 10AM Jasmine Buttolph Kashmira Kale jbuttolph@peacecorps.gov neu6@cdc.gov
Intro to DATIM 10 – 10:45AM Imran Mujawar Pooja Vinayak Lrz5@cdc.gov pje6@cdc.gov
BREAK 10:45 – 11AM
Treatment Analyses 11AM – 12PM Katy Battey iyo@cdc.gov
Lunch (on your own) 12 – 12:50PM
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM: ·      Viral Load Analyses (Mandela) ·      HTS Analyses (Asia) 1 – 1:55PM Anubhuti Mishra Shazad Ahmed nme1@cdc.gov lqa9@cdc.gov
BREAK 1:55 – 2PM
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM: ·      TB/HIV Analyses (Asia) ·      DREAMS Analyses (Mandela) 2 – 2:55PM Catherine Nichols Meaghan Peterson Kimi Sato cnichols@usaid.gov odt4@cdc.gov ksato@peacecorps.gov
BREAK 2:55 – 3PM
SELECT ONE SESSION FROM: ·      Key Pop Analyses (Asia) ·      OVC Analyses (Mandela) 3 – 3:55PM Mala Narasimhan Jenny Hurst Caroline Cooney Erin Schelar ovu4@cdc.gov jhurst@peacecorps.gov ccooneyca@state.gov eschelar@usaid.gov
Recap and Closing 4 – 4:30PM ICPI Leads  
jleehurst commented 4 years ago

Onboarding Feedback Form

ICPI Interagency Onboarding Training Feedback Form Day 1

Agency: ____

Did you complete 75% or more of the pre-work? Yes No

If yes, did you find the pre-work helpful? Yes No

Did you attend 3 or more sessions today? Yes No

Please mark Agree, Disagree, or Neutral for the following: • Overall, today’s sessions were helpful in increasing my understanding of the topics Agree Disagree Neutral

• The training content met my expectations Agree Disagree Neutral

• The trainers were effective and successful at presenting the content Agree Disagree Neutral

• Most of the content shared today was new to me Agree Disagree Neutral

Of the below sessions, which were most useful and helpful to you (1 min, 2 max): o Welcome and Review of Online Content o SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dossier o MER Overview and Clinical Cascade o Data Systems Overview o Additional Data Streams o MER Structured Dataset Review

Of the below sessions, which were least useful and helpful to you (1 min, 3 max): o Welcome and Review of Online Content o SIMS 4.0 and Panorama Dossier o MER Overview and Clinical Cascade o Data Systems Overview o Additional Data Streams o MER Structured Dataset Review

How can we improve the sessions from today? Any other comments? ICPI Interagency Onboarding Training Feedback Form Day 2

Agency: ____

Did you attend Day 1 of the training? Yes No

Did you attend 3 or more sessions today? Yes No

Please mark Agree, Disagree, or Neutral for the following: • Overall, today’s sessions were helpful in increasing my understanding of the topics Agree Disagree Neutral

• The training content met my expectations Agree Disagree Neutral

• The trainers were effective and successful at presenting the content Agree Disagree Neutral

• Most of the content shared today was new to me Agree Disagree Neutral

Of the below sessions, which were most useful and helpful to you (1 min, 2 max): o Review of Previous Day o Intro to DATIM o Treatment Analyses Overview o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: Viral Load Analyses or HTS Analyses o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: TB/HIV Analyses or DREAMS Analyses o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: Key Pop Analyses or OVC Analyses

Of the below sessions, which were least useful and helpful to you (1 min, 3 max): o Review of Previous Day o Intro to DATIM o Treatment Analyses Overview o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: Viral Load Analyses or HTS Analyses o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: TB/HIV Analyses or DREAMS Analyses o CIRCLE SESSION YOU ATTENDED: Key Pop Analyses or OVC Analyses

How can we improve the sessions from today? Any other comments?

jleehurst commented 4 years ago

Final Email to Participants

Hi All,

This is a reminder that you are confirmed to attend the ICPI Onboarding Training on Oct 15-16 at the OGAC Office in Washington DC. Please see attached for the agenda and below for Logistics and Training Prep reminders!

Logistics: • Both days will be held at ICPI/OGAC Office at 1800 G St NW, Washington, DC (10th Floor) • Both days will start at 9AM (check-in is from 9-9:30AM) and end around 4:30PM • Please bring a government ID to show Security to enter the building. Head to the 10th Floor and you will find the check-in table there! • Attached is the ICPI Visitor Welcome Guide for other important reference information (including metro access, etc.) • Please bring your laptops and mobile hotspots to the training. There is no wifi in the building and we only have a few hotspots. • We will share the agenda for the training as we get closer to the dates.

Training Prep: All participants are required to complete the ICPI Pre-work course on the PEPFAR Virtual Academy linked here. This course should take no more than 45 minutes to complete. You should have received a registration email. If you did not, please let us know. Please bring your certification of completion with you on Tuesday.

Please ensure you have access to the following systems before you arrive at ICPI. Some of these systems take a few days for account creation so please do this well in advance of the training!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Thanks, ICPI

jleehurst commented 4 years ago

July Virtual Onboarding Email to Attendees @shazadahmed10 @gsoybel @HoustonJamie @cnichols3h

Dear ICPI Onboarding Attendee,

This email confirms your place in the ICPI Virtual Interagency Onboarding Training on July 23rd, 24th, 27th, and 28th, 2020. We’re looking forward to virtually hosting you! Please see below for important information and preparation for the training. In addition, please find the agenda attached. Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.

• The training will be held from approximately 9am to 1pm, beginning on Thursday, July 23rd and ending on Tuesday, July 28th. • The training will be held virtually in collaboration with Tech Change. • In order to help trouble-shoot technical issues and answer any questions, prior to the training, a virtual Kick-Off for attendees will be held on [ENTER DATE/TIME] • ACTION: Please ensure you have access to the following systems before Thursday, July 23rd o Panorama – you can request a new account on the main login page: https://pepfar-panorama.org o DATIM – you can request an account here: https://register.datim.org/ (If you haven’t logged into your DATIM account for several months, it may be deactivated so please reactive your account!) o PEPFAR Sharepoint – you can request account access directly through https://www.pepfar.net/ • REQUIRED ACTION: Onboarding Pre-work—please complete the following required pre-work modules for the training. In addition, you are welcome to complete any modules related to technical work that you are interested in. The onboarding pre-work will take approximate 80 mins. o Required Modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamentals Module 1
  3. ICPI Overview
  4. SharePoint
  5. Data Streams and Processes
  6. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER)
  7. DATIM
  8. Panorama
  9. SIMS
  10. 3rd 90 o Optional Technical Modules
  11. HTS Analytics
  12. Key Population Analytics
  13. HIV/TB Analytics
  14. Prevention Analytics
  15. Treatment Analytics
  16. MSD Analytics

Please email ICPI@state.gov if you have any questions!

Thanks, ICPI Interagency Collaborative for Program Improvement (ICPI) Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 1800 G Street NW, Washington DC ICPI@state.gov