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Central America Region polygon completeness review #67

Open NateHeard opened 4 years ago

NateHeard commented 4 years ago

This issue tracks the review and update of the Central America Region map. Countries within the region vary in depth (Levels 6 or 7).

  1. Review DATIM polygon_datim_global and identify units that lack geometry. See PEPFAR SharePoint: HQ > ICPI > General > Clusters > Geospatial Data > Projects > Spatial Data Management > polygon_daitm_global.
  2. Add uid to the attribute table where possible.
  3. In the case of missing levels of geometry, identify possible matching shapefiles.
  4. Document any potential problematic units (e.g. units at the wrong level; non-geographic entities such as IPs) here.
  5. Send updates shapefile(s) to Nate and Gina for review and upload to AGOL, DATIM, and Panorama.
jltobias commented 4 years ago

Dear all: It seems like the Central America Region geometries relate to settlements at the sub-district level. I have been trying to find candidate shapefiles for each country that has missing geometries at the level6 level. I wonder about the potential to use GRUMP v1 Urban Extent Polygons: https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/set/grump-v1-urban-ext-polygons-rev01/data-download I've been looking for candidate shapefiles that might yield the missing geometries... Please let me know if I am on the right track or if I am going astray or missing the goal...

There may also be some country-specific polygons...

Belize: It looks like the missing geometries are related to settlements or sub-district locations. I have found a geonode with a settlement layer (2011) for Belize here: http://charim-geonode.net/layers/geonode:settlements_poly_2011_utmwgs84_areas There may be some potential to use that settlement layer to provide geometries for those missing in Level 6 for Belize. El Salvador: World Bank - Urban areas in El Salvador: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/urban-areas-el-salvador

Guatemala: HOTOSM populated places polygons HDX: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/hotosm_gtm_populated_places

Honduras: HOTOSM populated places polygons HDX: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/hotosm_hnd_populated_places

Nicaragua: HOTOSM populated places polygons HDX: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/hotosm_nic_populated_places

Panama: There is one unit with missing geometry, Emberá. Emberá are indigenous people living between Colombia and Panama in dispersed but distinct settlements. since 2010….they are also living within urban areas ….where 33% of the population living in the Central Province And 25% live within the urban districts of Panama City.

Potential to use HOTOSM Populated places polygons: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/hotosm_pan_populated_places

jltobias commented 4 years ago

Update: I did send a note to Dr. Jose Rodas and Dr. Sanny Northbrook from Central America region team. Jose is planning to send some updated SNU shapefiles for Guatemala and potentially a file or two from Honduras. Those may be a better match than HDX or HOTOSM shapefiles.