ICPI / ICPI-Product-Tracker

The ICPI Product Tracker is a list of all work products conducted by ICPI Clusters to track product updates and status.
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Key Populations Dashboard #38

Open hessionra opened 5 years ago

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Q1 Timeline

Q1 Entry Checklist:

vanamala-narasimhan commented 5 years ago

QC Complete

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Thank you @vanamala-narasimhan @wvp3 @Yabayabadoo , great work!

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Q1 Clean Timeline

Q1 Clean Checklist:

hessionra commented 5 years ago

@wvp3 @vanamala-narasimhan @Yabayabadoo Please let us know if this will be ready for submission on 4/2!

Looping in @jb3436

vanamala-narasimhan commented 5 years ago

Tool population complete, on QC step

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Thank you @vanamala-narasimhan ! Once it is uploaded to pepfar.net, please move the ticket to "Huddle Ready" in the project.

kkale25 commented 5 years ago

QC completed (Mala and Kashmira) on 4/5. Email from Mala sent on 4/5 confirming ready for Huddle population.

SUBJECT: Key Pop Dashboard - in QC and Ready by COB Hello,

Here is the link to the most updated version of the Key Pop dashboard. We will be completing QC this afternoon and it should be ready for huddle by COB.


Thank you!


hessionra commented 5 years ago

Q2 Initial Timeline

Q2 Initial Checklist:

hessionra commented 5 years ago

@wvp3 @Yabayabadoo @vanamala-narasimhan checking on the status of KP and if it will be ready for the Huddle today!

vanamala-narasimhan commented 5 years ago

Tool population complete, on QC step.

vanamala-narasimhan commented 5 years ago

Final tool submission complete

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Q2 Clean Timeline

Q2 Clean Checklist:

wvp3 commented 5 years ago


Requesting the following QC assignments, one person per tab:

I recommend testing a couple OUs (One LTS country and one regional program country) and comparing vs. Panorama for example the additional disaggregates dossier. At the OU level and then maybe just a handful of PSNUs and mechanisms combinations.

Please ignore the recency and self-testing tabs for now. I still have to do my own check of those and I don’t think they are correct.

If it’s possible, please send me any identified bugs or data issues by 3pm today so I can try to fix them by COB.

wvp3 commented 5 years ago

Done update and passed standard QC. Uploaded for FY2019Q2.

hessionra commented 5 years ago

Q3 Initial Timeline

Q3 Initial Checklist:

hessionra commented 5 years ago

@vanamala-narasimhan @wvp3 @Yabayabadoo Please let us know if this will be ready for submission COB today!

Looping in @jb3436

hessionra commented 4 years ago

Q3 Clean Timeline

Q3 Clean Checklist:

kkale25 commented 4 years ago

Questions for POCs to answer by EOD 11/8 Please write your responses next to the question.

Q4 Initial Timeline

kkale25 commented 4 years ago

@vanamala-narasimhan Can you please update the questions listed above ASAP?