ICPI workstream to catalyze PEPFAR's use of Q2 data for program improvement in the context of COVID pandemic
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HRH request for UNAIDS #2

Closed HoustonJamie closed 4 years ago

HoustonJamie commented 4 years ago

OU: Global Request: Vamsi/Sarah OGAC Dates: April 30th PPM: Not required, email from Irum Date Request: April 30th Preferred Delivery Date: April 30th Country POC: N/A global analysis Primary analyst: @Yabayabadoo iSME to cc: N/A global analysis other analysts to cc: @LaChandraS (HSS), @wvp3 (HSS lead, on COVID detail), Sadhna (need to add to github), @erinschelar , @kimisatoPC (COVID workstream co-leads) Resources/Products: https://www.pepfar.net/sites/icpi/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Ficpi%2FShared%20Documents%2FClusters%2FPEPFAR%20in%20Context%20of%20COVID%2FCompleted%20Projects%2FGlobal%20HRH%20Analysis%2004302020&FolderCTID=0x0120005EEB4CDDA7AFAA46A402E5356B5FDF3F&View=%7B3295AEB3%2D32A2%2D41AB%2D8365%2DC5AB770BAB9B%7D

Yabayabadoo commented 4 years ago

Analysis completed on 4/30/2020

Analytic Request: Visualize PEPFAR HRH support across all Operating Units. Rationale: Help UNAIDS visualize most recent PEPFAR supported HRH footprint

Analytic Output: Tableau and Excel based charts and maps showing Global PEPFAR HRH footprint and number of facilities reporting PEPFAR supported HRH for FY 19 ONLY. Rationale: FY 2019 most recent HRH data in MER and indicator changed definition in FY 19

Data Sources: OUxIM MER Structured dataset and NAT/SUB_NAT MSD for FY 2020 Population Estimates

All R code and tools are located in the PEPFAR in Context of COVID Workstream folder located here: https://www.pepfar.net/sites/icpi/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Ficpi%2FShared%20Documents%2FClusters%2FPEPFAR%20in%20Context%20of%20COVID%2FWorking%20Folder%2FGlobal%20HRH%20Code%2004302020&FolderCTID=0x0120005EEB4CDDA7AFAA46A402E5356B5FDF3F&View=%7B3295AEB3%2D32A2%2D41AB%2D8365%2DC5AB770BAB9B%7D