ICPI / tableau_training

June 2018 Tableau Training using ICPI Fact View Dataset
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Agenda/Training plan #9

Closed shapaklyak closed 6 years ago

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

General overview - 2 hr 30min allotted, with 30min of cushion time

A. Overview/intros (10min)

B. Walk through of building a visual w/training dataset (including below features) (30min)

C. Practice: Build a visuals from example provided or create your own (1 hr)

D. Discussion/Q&A (20min)

E. Wrap-up (10min)

shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

Revised timeline - feel free to add/suggest

Session Start time Duration End Time
Start/Logistics/set-up/delay 9:30 0:10 9:40
Overview/Intro 9:40 0:30 10:10
Series of Demos & Practice 10:10 1:30 11:40
Share/Discussion/Q&A 11:40 0:20 12:00
Wrap-up/Survey 12:00 0:15 12:15
shapaklyak commented 6 years ago

Updated agenda/lesson plan. Posted here: https://github.com/ICPI/tableau_training/tree/master/Planning

ICPI Tableau Training Outline June 21, 2018

Welcome and Introductions – 9:30 – 9:40a

Overview & Introduction to Tableau – 9:40 – 10:00a

Series of Demos and Practice—10:00a – 12:15p

Connecting, Organizing and Manipulating Data – 10:00 – 10:30a KN

Pause: Are we all on the same page?

Developing Tables and Visuals in Worksheets (10:30-11:45a)

Pause: Are we all on the same page?

Putting it All Together in a Dashboard (11:45a-12:15p) KN/BB

Wrap-up (12:15-12:30p)