ICRC-Models / HHCoM

Compartmental model of HIV and HPV heterosexual transmission, development of AIDS and cervical cancer, and interventions
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Fix age and risk group mixing #49

Open darcyrao opened 5 years ago

darcyrao commented 5 years ago

Revise mixing parameters and implementation:

darcyrao commented 5 years ago

For the September WHO results deadline: Keep current approach for age and risk mixing and derive the risk group distribution for females from the mixing matrices and the risk group distribution for males.


Because HPV is so prevalent, it is not as important to represent mixing patterns as precisely as for an bacterial infection.

darcyrao commented 4 years ago

Related to this, consider the implications for mixing if we adjust sexual activity to be lower for persons in late stages of HIV infection and those with cervical cancer.

We currently reduce the probability of HIV transmission for persons in late stages of HIV infection as a proxy for reduced sexual behavior, and we plan to do the same for HPV transmission probability in late stages of HIV and for both HIV and HPV transmission probabilities in cervical cancer states (see issue #58), but think about whether we could reduce behavior to accomplish this. Need to think about how it would influence mixing matrices and the algorithm to balance the number of partnerships in the matrices.

carajbro commented 4 years ago

I made a structure-related change to mixing in the model. I think it will have a small effect on calibration and outcomes, but is still good to make.

We assume that mixing by age is partially random and partially assortative. We assume that in a mixing pattern purely assortative by age, females are most likely to form partnerships with males of the next youngest age group. This off-diagonal assortative mixing pattern results in 10-14 year-old males and 75-79 year-old females having less than 100% of their partnerships, but the assumption is that these age groups have relatively few partnerships and contribute marginally to overall infection transmission.

However, as I'm updating the appendix I noticed some modifications were made to the assortative mixing matrix by age that I think are a little funky. These modifications remove the gender-age bias in persons <=19, and make it so 20-24 year-old males instead of 10-14 year-old males have less than 100% of their partnerships. I think 20-24 year olds are more influential to transmission in the model so we should remove these modifications.

Doing so affects HPV/HIV prevalence in this age group marginally. I guess this means the modifications don't make that big a difference, but I think it would still be better to remove them. And it also tells us we shouldn't be too worried about <100% of partnerships in the youngest and oldest age groups.

Here's a visual. Top picture is how I think it should be, bottom picture is with the modifications. The 0.30 or 0.70 numbers represent the proportion of partnerships from that age group.


The updated code is: if fivYrAgeGrpsOn %% Assign deltaR and deltaA (nature of assortative mixing by age and gender; Kronecker delta) deltaR = eye(3 , 3); deltaAF = eye(16) . 0.3 + diag(ones(15 , 1) . 0.7 , 1); deltaAM = eye(16) . 0.3 + diag(ones(15 , 1) . 0.7 , -1); deltaAF(1 , 1) = 0.0; deltaAF(1 , 2) = 0.0; deltaAF(2 , 2) = 0.0; deltaAF(2 , 3) = 0.0; deltaAM(1 , 1) = 0.0; deltaAM(2 , 1) = 0.0; deltaAM(2 , 2) = 0.0; deltaAM(3 , 2) = 0.0;

carajbro commented 3 years ago

Relevant source for age discrepancies in sexual mixing by gender in KZN:

(de Oliveira, 2017, Lancet HIV) Transmission networks and risk of HIV infection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a community-wide phylogenetic study