ICTP Regional Climate Model
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why new RegCM versions remove the RF interface of the CMIP5 dataset #13

Closed Hwenshuo closed 2 years ago

Hwenshuo commented 2 years ago

HelIo, I have just installed RegCM4.7.1, but when i try to use CMIP5 RF data, i found it is not supported, which in the icbc code: if ( dattyp(4:5) == 'RF' ) then write(stderr,) 'THIS CODE IS NOT SUPPORTED.' write(stderr,) 'CHOSE ONE SCENARIO CODE ',dattyp(1:3),'(26-45-60-85).' call die('icbc','Unknown dattyp',1) i found in the early RegCM version like RegCM4.0 it support it. I just wonder why RF interface of the CMIP5 dataset is removed? Thank you.

graziano-giuliani commented 2 years ago

Just use the scenario code. The historical data are selected if the date is < 2005-12-01. This allows for non interrupted ICBC creation. The same historical data are selected whatever the future scenario, and a specific code was considered redundant.