ICTP Regional Climate Model
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SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. #14

Open eduardocholuck opened 2 years ago

eduardocholuck commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody,

I'm running a hourly simulation for 2 years, 2014 and 2015, and getting this error of invalid memory reference when the model starts to write the first output file.

I'm using 108 iy points and 122 jx, NON hydrostatical core, CLM45 as surface model, 25 km of horizontal resolution and this Physical Parameterizations:

Lateral Boundary conditions : 5 Semi-Lagrangian Advection : 0 Land cumulus conv. scheme : 4 Ocean cumulus conv. scheme : 4 Moisture schem : 1 Ocean Flux scheme : 2 Zeng roughness formula : 1 Zeng roughness method : 1 Coupling with ocean : 0 Coupling with wave : 0 Pressure gradient force : 0 Prescribed LW emissivity : 0 Lake model in BATS : 0 Simulate diurnal sst cycle : 0 Simulate sea ice cover : 0 Simulate desert seasons : 0 Enable chem/aerosol model : 0 Large scale LWP as convect. : 1 Cloud fraction scheme : 0 Marine stratocumulus : 1 Climate O3 dataset : 0 Climate Aerosol dataset : 0

The namelist file : namelist.txt