ICTP Regional Climate Model
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ICBC: Relaxation did not converge ! #21

Open jsanjay65 opened 2 years ago

jsanjay65 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I had compiled RegCM-master.zip (accessed on 11 March 2022) using Intel complier on Cray-XC30 with Linux OS (CLE), and completed test runs with non-hydrostatic dynamical core (idynamic=2) for 4 km grid resolution using jx=1138, iy=451 grid points and kz=41 vertical levels.

Now while trying to use a larger 4km domain with jx=1200, iy= 800 grid points and kz=41 vertical levels, the preprocessor fails to create ICBC for 6 hourly ERA5 with the message:

Fatal in file: mod_vectutil.F90 at line: 498 Relaxation did not converge !

Kindly help to solve this issue. Thanks in advance