ICTP Regional Climate Model
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chemsimtype errors #23

Closed singhpraveenk closed 2 years ago

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago

I got errors while using chemsimtype = 'AERO' below,

Forcing scenario from dattyp to RCP8.5 -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- Fatal in file: mod_che_ncio.F90 at line: 516 NO CODED FREQUENCY IN CHEMISS FILE

mod_che_ncio.F90 : 516: 1 Abort called by computing node 0 at 2022-06-30 09:10:47.402 +0530 Execution terminated because of runtime error Abort(1) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 496): application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000002, 1) - process 0 srun: error: cn007: tasks 288-299: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn002: tasks 48-95: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn005: tasks 192-239: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn004: tasks 144-191: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn003: tasks 96-143: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn006: tasks 240-287: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: cn001: tasks 0-47: Exited with exit code 1

Similarly, I got errors while using chemsimtype = 'DCCB' below,

Forcing scenario from dattyp to RCP8.5 Cannot open required file TUVGRID2. -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- Fatal in file: mod_che_start.F90 at line: 460 TUVGRID2 NOT FOUND

Abort called by computing node 299 at 2022-06-30 09:11:56.273 +0530 Execution terminated because of runtime error Abort(1) on node 299 (rank 299 in comm 496): application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000001, 1) - process 299 Cannot open required file TUVGRID2. -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- Fatal in file: mod_che_start.F90 at line: 460 TUVGRID2 NOT FOUND

Abort called by computing node 14 at 2022-06-30 09:11:56.279 +0530 Execution terminated because of runtime error Abort(1) on node 14 (rank 14 in comm 496): application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000001, 1) - process 14

The test simulation of five days is completed successfully with chemsimtype = 'DUST.' Please, someone, help me to solve the above problems.

graziano-giuliani commented 2 years ago

Assuming you have prepared the CHEMISS file using the cdo script "interp_emissions" from the model, can you please post here the ourput from: ncdump -h input/DOMNAME_CHEMISS.nc where DOMNAME is the namelist user choice for domname in terrainparam?

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago

netcdf SouthAsia_SDDRE_CHEMISS { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) x = 200 ; y = 160 ; nv4 = 4 ; lev = 1 ; variables: float time(time) ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:long_name = "time" ; time:units = "month since 1940-01-15 00:00:00" ; time:calendar = "standard" ; time:axis = "T" ; float lon(y, x) ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon" ; lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ; float lon_bnds(y, x, nv4) ; float lat(y, x) ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat" ; lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ; float lat_bnds(y, x, nv4) ; float lev(lev) ; lev:long_name = "level index" ; lev:units = "level" ; lev:axis = "Z" ; float ALD2_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; ALD2_flux:long_name = "flux of ALD2" ; ALD2_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; ALD2_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; ALD2_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height(lev) ; height:long_name = "emission height" ; height:units = "m" ; float AONE_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; AONE_flux:long_name = "flux of AONE" ; AONE_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; AONE_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; AONE_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_2(lev) ; height_2:long_name = "emission height" ; height_2:units = "m" ; float BC_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; BC_flux:long_name = "flux of BC" ; BC_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; BC_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; BC_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_3(lev) ; height_3:long_name = "emission height" ; height_3:units = "m" ; float C2H6_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; C2H6_flux:long_name = "flux of C2H6" ; C2H6_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; C2H6_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; C2H6_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_4(lev) ; height_4:long_name = "emission height" ; height_4:units = "m" ; float CH3OH_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; CH3OH_flux:long_name = "flux of CH3OH" ; CH3OH_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; CH3OH_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; CH3OH_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_5(lev) ; height_5:long_name = "emission height" ; height_5:units = "m" ; float CH4_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; CH4_flux:long_name = "flux of CH4" ; CH4_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; CH4_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; CH4_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_6(lev) ; height_6:long_name = "emission height" ; height_6:units = "m" ; float CO_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; CO_flux:long_name = "flux of CO" ; CO_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; CO_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; CO_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_7(lev) ; height_7:long_name = "emission height" ; height_7:units = "m" ; float ETH_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; ETH_flux:long_name = "flux of ETH" ; ETH_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; ETH_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; ETH_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_8(lev) ; height_8:long_name = "emission height" ; height_8:units = "m" ; float HCHO_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; HCHO_flux:long_name = "flux of HCHO" ; HCHO_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; HCHO_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; HCHO_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_9(lev) ; height_9:long_name = "emission height" ; height_9:units = "m" ; float NH3_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; NH3_flux:long_name = "flux of NH3" ; NH3_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; NH3_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; NH3_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_10(lev) ; height_10:long_name = "emission height" ; height_10:units = "m" ; float NOx_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; NOx_flux:long_name = "flux of NOx" ; NOx_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; NOx_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; NOx_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_11(lev) ; height_11:long_name = "emission height" ; height_11:units = "m" ; float OC_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; OC_flux:long_name = "flux of OC" ; OC_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; OC_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; OC_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_12(lev) ; height_12:long_name = "emission height" ; height_12:units = "m" ; float OLEI_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; OLEI_flux:long_name = "flux of OLEI" ; OLEI_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; OLEI_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; OLEI_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_13(lev) ; height_13:long_name = "emission height" ; height_13:units = "m" ; float OLET_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; OLET_flux:long_name = "flux of OLET" ; OLET_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; OLET_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; OLET_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_14(lev) ; height_14:long_name = "emission height" ; height_14:units = "m" ; float PAR_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; PAR_flux:long_name = "flux of PAR" ; PAR_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; PAR_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; PAR_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_15(lev) ; height_15:long_name = "emission height" ; height_15:units = "m" ; float RCOOH_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; RCOOH_flux:long_name = "flux of RCOOH" ; RCOOH_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; RCOOH_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; RCOOH_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_16(lev) ; height_16:long_name = "emission height" ; height_16:units = "m" ; float SO2_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; SO2_flux:long_name = "flux of SO2" ; SO2_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; SO2_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; SO2_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_17(lev) ; height_17:long_name = "emission height" ; height_17:units = "m" ; float TOL_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; TOL_flux:long_name = "flux of TOL" ; TOL_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; TOL_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; TOL_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_18(lev) ; height_18:long_name = "emission height" ; height_18:units = "m" ; float XYL_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; XYL_flux:long_name = "flux of XYL" ; XYL_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; XYL_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; XYL_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_19(lev) ; height_19:long_name = "emission height" ; height_19:units = "m" ; float ISOP_BIO_flux(time, lev, y, x) ; ISOP_BIO_flux:long_name = "flux of ISOP_BIO" ; ISOP_BIO_flux:units = "Kg m-2 s-1" ; ISOP_BIO_flux:coordinates = "lat lon" ; ISOP_BIO_flux:molar_mass = 1. ; float height_20(lev) ; height_20:long_name = "emission height" ; height_20:units = "m" ;

// global attributes: :CDI = "Climate Data Interface version 2.0.3 (https://mpimet.mpg.de/cdi)" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.6" ; :created_with = "emcre Version 0.4" ; :date = "20220628" ; :time = "031524.595+0530" ; :namelist = "\n", "OUTPUT= \'./output/RCP85_ALD2_bb.nc\', \n", "SPECIES= \'ALD2\', \n", "TIME FREQUENCY= \'monthly\', \n", "OUT UNIT= \'Kg m-2 s-1 \', \n", "GLOBAL_SCALE= \' 1.0000000000000000\', \n", "INTERPOLATION= \'linear\', \n", "MOLARMASS= \' 1.0000000000000000\', \n", "YEAR_START= 1940, \n", "YEAR_END= 2100, \n", "HEIGHT= 0.0000000000000000, \n", "INPUTPATH= \'/home/praveen/RegCM_Data/emissions/RCP_Emissions\', \n", "SOURCE( 1) : \', \n", "FRAC( 1)=\' 1.000\', \n", "1940\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1940_v1.nc, \n", "1950\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1950_v1.nc, \n", "1960\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1960_v1.nc, \n", "1970\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1970_v1.nc, \n", "1980\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1980_v1.nc, \n", "1990\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1990_v1.nc, \n", "2000\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2005_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2005\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2010_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2010\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2020_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2020\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2030_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2030\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2040_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2040\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2050_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2050\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2060_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2060\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2070_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2070\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2080_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2080\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2090_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2090\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2100_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "SOURCE( 2) : \', \n", "FRAC( 1)=\' 1.000\', \n", "1940\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1940_v1.nc, \n", "1950\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1950_v1.nc, \n", "1960\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1960_v1.nc, \n", "1970\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1970_v1.nc, \n", "1980\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1980_v1.nc, \n", "1990\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean1990_v1.nc, \n", "2000\',IPCC_GriddedBiomassBurningEmissions_other_alkanals_decadalmonthlymean2000_v1.nc, \n", "2005\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2005_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2010\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2010_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2020\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2020_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2030\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2030_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2040\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2040_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2050\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2050_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2060\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2060_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2070\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2070_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2080\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2080_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2090\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2090_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "2100\',IPCC_emissions_RCP85_other_alkanals_biomassburning_2100_0.5x0.5_v1_21_12_2009.nc, \n", "" ; :history = "Thu Jun 30 09:04:56 2022: cdo -O merge input/RCP85_ALD2_emis.nc input/RCP85_AONE_emis.nc input/RCP85_BC_emis.nc input/RCP85_C2H6_emis.nc input/RCP85_CH3OH_emis.nc input/RCP85_CH4_emis.nc input/RCP85_CO_emis.nc input/RCP85_ETH_emis.nc input/RCP85_HCHO_emis.nc input/RCP85_NH3_emis.nc input/RCP85_NOx_emis.nc input/RCP85_OC_emis.nc input/RCP85_OLEI_emis.nc input/RCP85_OLET_emis.nc input/RCP85_PAR_emis.nc input/RCP85_RCOOH_emis.nc input/RCP85_SO2_emis.nc input/RCP85_TOL_emis.nc input/RCP85_XYL_emis.nc input/RCP85_ISOP_BIO_emis.nc input/SouthAsia_SDDRE_CHEMISS.nc\n", "Thu Jun 30 09:04:44 2022: cdo -O remap,input/SouthAsia_SDDRE_grid.nc,remapweights.nc input/tfile input/RCP85_ALD2_emis.nc\n", "Thu Jun 30 09:04:44 2022: cdo seldate,1990-01-01T00:00:00,1990-02-01T00:00:00 /home/psingh.iitr/RegCM/REGCM_GLOBEDAT/RCP_EMGLOB_PROCESSED/iiasa//RCP85_ALD2_emis.nc input/tfile\n", "Tue Jun 28 03:15:44 2022: ncbo --op_typ=add ./output/RCP85_ALD2_bb.nc ./output/RCP85_ALD2_ant.nc ./output/RCP85_ALD2_emis.nc" ; :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.9.1 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code = http://github.com/nco/nco)" ; :CDO = "Climate Data Operators version 2.0.3 (https://mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)" ;

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago

RCP85 emission files are created using the "create_CMIP5_emissions.csh" script inside the RegCM/PreProc/CH_EMISSIONS)/creation/.

Please help to resolve this issue.

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago

@graziano-giuliani Please help me.

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago

@graziano-giuliani Please help me.

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago



if ( chemi_timeunits(1:6) == 'months' ) then ifreq = ifrqmon else if ( chemi_timeunits(1:4) == 'days' ) then ifreq = ifrqday else if ( chemi_timeunits(1:5) == 'hours' ) then

Changed the months to month, and "Fatal in file: mod_che_ncio.F90 at line: 516 NO CODED FREQUENCY IN CHEMISS FILE" error is gone. But now getting new errors...

Unrecognized unit of measure for time string. Offending timeunit string :month since 1940-01-15 00:00:00 chem emission : time record not found emission file -------------- FATAL CALLED --------------- Fatal in file: mod_che_ncio.F90 at line: 554 IO ERROR in CHEM EMISSION

Is this because of the type of calendar selection?

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago


All the above problems are solved. Now getting the error "OXBC FILE ERROR."

Please help to solve this.

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago


For chemsimtype "AERO"

singhpraveenk commented 2 years ago


Found the solution.