ICTP Regional Climate Model
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Error opening SST file while running cmip6 cesm model data. #34

Open jeevakir opened 1 year ago

jeevakir commented 1 year ago

While running RegCM model with CESM model data. the SST files are switching over to the next files at the last time stamp and the model hangs. I looked through the code and modified it as below to get it working. Is this the right way or am I doing something wrong?. It would be grateful if you could check if anybody could recreate this and solve it.

when the time being processed is "2000010100", RegCM looks at the next file? this makes the model run in infinite loops or something?. My solution was to remove remove '+12' from the 'irec' equation in this file - [PreProc/ICBC/cmip6/mod_cmip6_cesm.F90]

It worked for me but is that the right solution?. We encountered the issue about a month ago. thought i can share it here to get clarified and thought it may help others as well. Please let me know if you need any further details.