ICTP Regional Climate Model
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Bonus #45

Open YXiZ0605 opened 5 months ago

YXiZ0605 commented 5 months ago

We tried many changes in the file, but many of them were not effective, as this code is a coded implementation of a physical formula. So we are trying to use parallel computing to accelerate its running speed. We added "$ acc loop" before most of the loops to run code in parallel.

Secondly, we found that the argsort function is essentially a selection sorting algorithm with high complexity. We changed it to a fast sorting algorithm to reduce its time complexity, in order to achieve optimization goals. Primitive function: pure function argsort(a) result(b) implicit none real(rk8) , intent(in) :: a(:) integer(ik4) , dimension(size(a)) :: b integer :: n , i , imin , temp1 real(rk8) :: temp2 real(rk8) , dimension(size(a)) :: a2 a2 = a n = size(a) do i = 1 , n b(i) = i end do if ( n == 1 ) return do i = 1 , n-1 imin = minloc(a2(i:),1) + i - 1 if ( imin /= i ) then temp2 = a2(i) a2(i) = a2(imin) a2(imin) = temp2 temp1 = b(i) b(i) = b(imin) b(imin) = temp1 end if end do end function argsort

Modified function: pure function argsort(a) result(b) implicit none real(rk8), intent(in) :: a(:) integer(ik4), dimension(size(a)) :: b integer :: n

  n = size(a)
  b = [(i, i=1, n)]
  call quickSort(a, b, 1, n)
end function argsort

recursive subroutine quickSort(a, b, low, high)
  implicit none
  real(rk8), intent(in) :: a(:)
  integer, intent(inout) :: b(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: low, high
  integer :: pi

  if (low < high) then
    pi = partition(a, b, low, high)

    call quickSort(a, b, low, pi - 1)
    call quickSort(a, b, pi + 1, high)
  end if
end subroutine quickSort

function partition(a, b, low, high) result(pi)
  implicit none
  real(rk8), intent(in) :: a(:)
  integer, intent(inout) :: b(:)
  integer, intent(in) :: low, high
  integer :: pi, i, j, temp
  real(rk8) :: pivot, temp2

  pivot = a(b(high))
  i = low - 1

  do j = low, high - 1
    if (a(b(j)) <= pivot) then
      i = i + 1
      temp = b(i)
      b(i) = b(j)
      b(j) = temp
    end if
  end do

  temp = b(i + 1)
  b(i + 1) = b(high)
  b(high) = temp

  pi = i + 1
end function partition

end subroutine nogtom