ICTU / zap2docker-auth-weekly

Zap baseline scanner in Docker with authentication
Apache License 2.0
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Auth params aren't working in docker #35

Closed amankumarchagti closed 2 years ago

amankumarchagti commented 2 years ago

I tested the auth params on an intentionally vulnerable website (altoromutual.com) but there was not any authenticated URL in the report. I used the following command. can someone from the team please re-check the command or if the command is right, can you plz check the issue of why auth params aren't working.

sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t ictu/zap2docker-weekly zap-baseline.py -I -j -d -t http://altoromutual.com -J report.json -r report.html --hook=hook.py -z "auth.loginurl=http://altoromutual.com/login.jsp \ auth.username="admin" \ auth.password="admin" \ auth.username_field="uid" \ auth.password_field="passw" \ auth.submit_field="btnSubmit" \ auth.submitaction="Login" \ auth.include=http://altoromutual.com.* \ auth.exclude=http://altoromutual.com/logout.jsp" Thank you

dicksnel commented 2 years ago

Hi, it seems there is a space missing after your -z parameter. Also there is an * at the end of your command.

amankumarchagti commented 2 years ago

that * is added by mistake..and regarding the space, is it mandatory??

amankumarchagti commented 2 years ago

@dicksnel I've updated the above command..but it is still not working.

dicksnel commented 2 years ago

@amankumarchagti like in the example, if you have a newline you should end it with a slash:
