ID25 / rails_emoji_picker

Add emoji to your app :smiley_cat:
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Emoji Picker resizing textarea #13

Closed isaacqueiroz closed 8 years ago

isaacqueiroz commented 8 years ago

Hi! Thanks for this awesome plugin!

I've been playing around with it and turns out it is resizing the Textbox after the JS is loaded. This is the code that is actualy doing the resizing (and breaking the layout):

function(a) {
  8 != a.which && i.text().length + i.find("img").length >= i.attr("maxlength") && a.preventDefault(), f.updateBodyPadding(i)

I'm not really sure about what is happening here, my JS knowledge is very trashy, but everytime I try to change the size of the textarea using CSS, HTML or a late JS it gets overwriten by this line.

Can you please check if you can replicate this problem? I know its a pain to solve these things, I'm deeply sorry ::C
