IDEA-Research / DINO

[ICLR 2023] Official implementation of the paper "DINO: DETR with Improved DeNoising Anchor Boxes for End-to-End Object Detection"
Apache License 2.0
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about loss_cardinality #126

Open Sunway-s opened 1 year ago

Sunway-s commented 1 year ago
# Count the number of predictions that are NOT "no-object" (which is the last class)
card_pred = (pred_logits.argmax(-1) != pred_logits.shape[-1] - 1).sum(1) 注意到这里的最后一个类代表“no-object”,这似乎与

target_classes = torch.full(src_logits.shape[:2], self.num_classes,
                                    dtype=torch.int64, device=src_logits.device)
target_classes_onehot = torch.zeros([src_logits.shape[0], src_logits.shape[1], src_logits.shape[2]+1],
                    dtype=src_logits.dtype, layout=src_logits.layout, device=src_logits.device)

矛盾,我理解是这里索引91指代无类别而不是索引90,而且coco_id2name.json中的最后一个类代表“toothbrush”,我很困惑。 DINO的coco类别是从 0 开始还是从 1 开始?

FengLi-ust commented 1 year ago

Hey, it starts from zero.

Sunway-s commented 1 year ago

Hey, it starts from zero.

scores = output['scores']
labels = output['labels']
boxes = box_ops.box_xyxy_to_cxcywh(output['boxes'])
select_mask = scores > thershold
box_label = [id2name[int(item)] for item in labels[select_mask]]

但是 coco_id2name中并没有 0 这个索引,所以DINO的类别是作了后处理吗?如果是的能麻烦告诉我代码在哪里吗谢谢。 DINO 原生输出的类别以及targets处理前的类别是否和下列一致呢,还是说targets的类别没有做处理和COCO一致呢?

{"1": "person", "2": "bicycle", "3": "car", "4": "motorcycle", "5": "airplane", "6": "bus", "7": "train", "8": "truck", "9": "boat", "10": "traffic light", "11": "fire hydrant", "13": "stop sign", "14": "parking meter", "15": "bench", "16": "bird", "17": "cat", "18": "dog", "19": "horse", "20": "sheep", "21": "cow", "22": "elephant", "23": "bear", "24": "zebra", "25": "giraffe", "27": "backpack", "28": "umbrella", "31": "handbag", "32": "tie", "33": "suitcase", "34": "frisbee", "35": "skis", "36": "snowboard", "37": "sports ball", "38": "kite", "39": "baseball bat", "40": "baseball glove", "41": "skateboard", "42": "surfboard", "43": "tennis racket", "44": "bottle", "46": "wine glass", "47": "cup", "48": "fork", "49": "knife", "50": "spoon", "51": "bowl", "52": "banana", "53": "apple", "54": "sandwich", "55": "orange", "56": "broccoli", "57": "carrot", "58": "hot dog", "59": "pizza", "60": "donut", "61": "cake", "62": "chair", "63": "couch", "64": "potted plant", "65": "bed", "67": "dining table", "70": "toilet", "72": "tv", "73": "laptop", "74": "mouse", "75": "remote", "76": "keyboard", "77": "cell phone", "78": "microwave", "79": "oven", "80": "toaster", "81": "sink", "82": "refrigerator", "84": "book", "85": "clock", "86": "vase", "87": "scissors", "88": "teddy bear", "89": "hair drier", "90": "toothbrush"}
HaoZhang534 commented 1 year ago
