IDEA-Research / DINO

[ICLR 2023] Official implementation of the paper "DINO: DETR with Improved DeNoising Anchor Boxes for End-to-End Object Detection"
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About 'no object' in the labels. #202

Open TsingWei opened 1 year ago

TsingWei commented 1 year ago

In the code of making one-hot targets for class prediction, the no-object class prediction seems not to be supervised: Especially, According to this, if a query is assigned to no-object, the predicted logit of it is encouraged to all zeros(after sigmoid).

Just curious, why not explicitly supervise the linear layer to predict no-object class?

JureHudoklin commented 1 year ago

I was wondering the same thing. And another thing i found strange is the dimmension of the class embeding layer. I thought it should be: num_classes + 1 (ie: COCO-> 91 classes + no_obj_clas). The network does not even predict the no object class.

Did you maybe find any answers to this problem?

Chrazqee commented 11 months ago

Hey guys, do you find the answers?

JureHudoklin commented 11 months ago

@Chrazqee Yea. They do not use no-object class. They just predict all classes as 0 if no-object is present in the box. That is why if you look activation functions on last layer they use sigmoid and softmax. It took me a while to figure it out :P

Chrazqee commented 11 months ago

Hi,@JureHudoklin Thank you for your explanation. It has confused me quite much time. I just know the class 0 in coco dataset represent 'N/A', it not a real class. So thank you for talking me about this. As the activation function of last layer I have not notice yet, since I focused DETR mainly. I'll check it out. I hope your help can help me to solve class unbalance question! Thanks again!


Chrazqee commented 11 months ago

Hi, @JureHudoklin , I am so sorry to bother you again. At SetCriterion class in DINO, I have not found the softmax activation function. Could you point the position of activation function for me? I'll appreciate if you can help me at your spare time!Thanks a lot!


TsingWei commented 11 months ago

There is actually no softmax applied in class prediction. To my best knowledge, for both testing and training, they (DETR-like models) just ignore the no object class.