IDEA-Research / HumanTOMATO

[ICML 2024] 🍅HumanTOMATO: Text-aligned Whole-body Motion Generation
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body-only feature representation #15

Open Lin-Kayla opened 1 month ago

Lin-Kayla commented 1 month ago

Hi! What's the difference between the tomato representation and humanml3d of the body-only part? As I understand, from the supplementary, that the difference is there's rotation regularization, but I can't find it in your code. And when will the pretrained TMR model be released?

LinghaoChan commented 1 month ago

Hi! What's the difference between the tomato representation and humanml3d of the body-only part? As I understand, from the supplementary, that the difference is there's rotation regularization, but I can't find it in your code. And when will the pretrained TMR model be released?

Yes, you are right. We plan to release it this week!

Lin-Kayla commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your response. I'm excited to see the release of OpenTMA! But I still can't find rotation regularization. Could you tell me where it is?

LinghaoChan commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your response. I'm excited to see the release of OpenTMA! But I still can't find rotation regularization. Could you tell me where it is?

I am not in front of the computer. I remember that the tomato representation is to delete the rotation part. Isn't it?

Lin-Kayla commented 1 month ago

By rotation part, does it mean Joint Rotation representation (rot_data) in Line 308 in motion Isn't it still in the final representation?

line 308: rot_data = cont_6d_params[:, 1:].reshape(len(cont_6d_params), -1) line 323: data = np.concatenate([data, rot_data[:-1]], axis=-1)

shunlinlu commented 1 month ago

By rotation part, does it mean Joint Rotation representation (rot_data) in Line 308 in motion Isn't it still in the final representation?

line 308: rot_data = cont_6d_params[:, 1:].reshape(len(cont_6d_params), -1) line 323: data = np.concatenate([data, rot_data[:-1]], axis=-1)

After preprocessing using, you will get all the information. While we discard the rotation as stated in the paper, leaving the vector dimension as 313. You may further process the representation, using

motion = np.concatenate((motion[..., :4+(njoints - 1) 3], motion[..., 4+(njoints - 1) 9: 4+(njoints - 1) 9 + njoints3]), axis=-1) # joints=52

Then, you can use the checkpoints we provide.