IDEA-Research / OSX

[CVPR 2023] Official implementation of the paper "One-Stage 3D Whole-Body Mesh Recovery with Component Aware Transformer"
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Errors during training! #122

Closed herochen7372 closed 5 months ago

herochen7372 commented 6 months ago

Hi,thank you for your help time and time again!Now, i have a new problem about training. The loss is Non,when i only use the human36m data for training.


My config is following:

import os
import os.path as osp
import sys

class Config:

    # dataset setting
    dataset_list = ['Human36M', 'MSCOCO', 'MPII', 'AGORA', 'EHF', 'UBody']
    # trainset_3d = ['Human36M']; trainset_2d = ['MSCOCO', 'MPII']; testset = 'EHF'
    trainset_3d = ['Human36M']; trainset_2d = []; testset = 'EHF'

    ## UBody setting
    train_sample_interval = 10
    test_sample_interval = 100
    make_same_len = False
    ubody_benchmark = False

    ## input, output size
    input_img_shape = (512, 384)
    input_body_shape = (256, 192)
    output_hm_shape = (16, 16, 12)
    input_hand_shape = (256, 256)
    output_hand_hm_shape = (16, 16, 16)
    output_face_hm_shape = (8, 8, 8)
    input_face_shape = (192, 192)
    focal = (5000, 5000)  # virtual focal lengths
    princpt = (input_body_shape[1] / 2, input_body_shape[0] / 2)  # virtual principal point position
    body_3d_size = 2
    hand_3d_size = 0.3
    face_3d_size = 0.3
    camera_3d_size = 2.5

    ## training config
    end_epoch = 14
    train_batch_size = 48
    print_iters = 100
    lr_mult = 1
    smplx_loss_weight = 1
    agora_benchmark = False

    ## testing config
    test_batch_size = 16

    ## others
    num_thread = 16
    gpu_ids = '0'
    num_gpus = 1
    continue_train = False
    vis = False

    ## directory
    cur_dir = osp.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    root_dir = osp.join(cur_dir, '..')
    # data_dir = osp.join(root_dir, 'dataset')
    data_dir = '/home/u2021111446/CsDataset'

    output_dir, model_dir, vis_dir, log_dir, result_dir, code_dir = None, None, None, None, None, None
    human_model_path = osp.join(root_dir, 'common', 'utils', 'human_model_files')
    exp_name = 'output/exp1/pre_analysis'

    ## model setting
    pretrained_model_path = None
    upscale = 4
    encoder_pretrained_model_path = 'pretrained_models/osx_vit_l.pth'
    hand_pos_joint_num = 20
    face_pos_joint_num = 72
    encoder_setting = 'osx_l'
    decoder_setting = 'normal'
    num_task_token = 24
    feat_dim = 768
    num_noise_sample = 0
    encoder_config_file = os.path.join(root_dir, 'main/transformer_utils/configs/osx/encoder/')

    def set_args(self, gpu_ids, lr=1e-4, continue_train=False):
        self.gpu_ids = gpu_ids
        self.num_gpus = len(self.gpu_ids.split(',')) = float(lr)
        self.continue_train = continue_train
        os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = self.gpu_ids
        print('>>> Using GPU: {}'.format(self.gpu_ids))

    def set_additional_args(self, **kwargs):
        names = self.__dict__
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            names[k] = v
        if self.encoder_setting == 'osx_b':
            self.encoder_config_file = os.path.join(cfg.root_dir, 'main/transformer_utils/configs/osx/encoder/')
            self.encoder_pretrained_model_path = 'pretrained_models/osx_vit_b.pth'
            self.feat_dim = 768
        elif self.encoder_setting == 'osx_l':
            self.encoder_config_file = os.path.join(cfg.root_dir, 'main/transformer_utils/configs/osx/encoder/')
            self.encoder_pretrained_model_path = 'pretrained_models/osx_vit_l.pth'
            self.feat_dim = 1024
        if 'AGORA' in self.testset:
            self.testset = 'AGORA'
        if self.agora_benchmark:
            self.smplx_loss_weight = 2
            self.trainset_3d = ['AGORA']
            self.trainset_2d = []
            self.testset = 'AGORA'
        if self.ubody_benchmark:
            # self.trainset_3d = ['Human36M'];
            # self.trainset_2d = ['UBody', 'MSCOCO', 'MPII'];
            # self.testset = 'UBody'
            self.trainset_3d = ['Human36M'];
            self.trainset_2d = [];
            self.testset = 'UBody'

    def prepare_dirs(self, exp_name):
        self.output_dir = osp.join(self.root_dir, exp_name)
        self.model_dir = osp.join(self.output_dir, 'model_dump')
        self.vis_dir = osp.join(self.output_dir, 'vis')
        self.log_dir = osp.join(self.output_dir, 'log')
        self.code_dir = osp.join(self.output_dir, 'code')
        self.result_dir = osp.join(self.output_dir, 'result')
        ## copy some code to log dir as a backup
        copy_files = ['main/', 'main/', 'main/', 'common/',
                      'main/', 'common/nets', 'main/',
                      'data/', 'data/MSCOCO/', 'data/AGORA/']
        for file in copy_files:
            os.system(f'cp -r {self.root_dir}/{file} {self.code_dir}')

cfg = Config()

## add some paths to the system root dir
sys.path.insert(0, cfg.root_dir)
# sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(cfg.root_dir, 'common'))
from common.utils.dir import add_pypath, make_folder
for i in range(len(cfg.dataset_list)):
    add_pypath(osp.join(cfg.root_dir, 'data', cfg.dataset_list[i]))
add_pypath(osp.join(cfg.root_dir, 'data'))
herochen7372 commented 6 months ago

I find that there is not annotation of bbox in human36m datasets. Is that what caused it? Would you be able to provide bbox annotations?

linjing7 commented 5 months ago

Hi, sorry for the late response. You need to add MSCOCO and MPII into your training set. Human3.6M lacks some annotations and is not enough for training OSX.

herochen7372 commented 5 months ago
