Open rdstern opened 7 years ago
There is also overlap here with the column metadata dialog where we could add a new property, as well as editing existing ones. We probably need to rethink these dialogs together.
Some though needed here. I'm feeling that the column structure dialogue should really be part of a tailored menu which then enables that information to be used in the analysis.
We need to be able to define groups of columns, which SPSS does comprehensively. I assume this is (also?) to be within the Data Options sub-dialogue? But (like selecting rows - i.e. filters) it will also be within a dialogue.
The current Column Structure dialogue is already there. It is quite restrictive, with just the Layout/ Treatment/ Measurement specification. I wonder if that could be the default and a second "button" would permit user defined groups. Then we don't need another new dialogue.
I also note that this dialogue does colouring automatically. We already have a colour by property dialogue. I suggest the be put together - especially as we are now likely to lose column metadata from that part of the menu.