IDEMSInternational / R-Instat

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Add tooltips to the factor keyboard in the calculator #8902

Closed rdstern closed 1 month ago

rdstern commented 3 months ago

There may be further changes when we cope better with multiple missing values. For now I am leaving the layout as it is currently:

The current keyboard is like this:


a) The add_na key command has now changed. Use the new one, which is in forcats and is fct_na_value_to_level b) Changefct_lump function into fct_lump_min Still call the keylump.

factor: Make a factor from a numeric or character variable anon: Anonymise factor levels, replacing them by a number. Optionally add a prefix, for example fct_anon(name, "n") labelled: Create a labelled variable collapse: Combine factor levels. For example fct_collapse(variety, trad="TRAD",improved=c("NEW","OLD")) cross: Make interaction variable. For example fct_cross(variety,fertgrp, keep_empty=TRUE) drop: Drop unused levels expand: Add additional levels. For example fct_expand(Village, "New", "Newer") add_na: Make missing values into an additional factor level. For example fct_na_value_to_level(fertgrp) inorder: Order the factor levels by their appearance in the data infreq: Order the factor levels by their frequency ( inseq: Order a factor with numeric levels lump: Change all levels appearing less than min times into Other. For example fct_lump_min(Variety,10) match: Make a logical variable with TRUE when levels are in the factor. For example fct_match(variety,c("NEW","OLD")) other: Replace levels with Other. For example fct_other(variety, keep="NEW") recode: Change factor levels. For example fct_recode(variety,improved="NEW",improved="OLD") relevel: Reorder factor levels. For example fct_relevel(fertgrp,"0cwt",".5-2cwt") reorder: Reorder levels using (default ofmedian of another variable. For example fct_reorder(variety,yield) reverse: Reverse the order of the factor levels shift: Shift the order of the factor levels shuffle: Shuffle the order of the factor levels