IDEMSInternational / parenttext-malaysia

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TEMPLATE: Joining triggers for KEMAS and CSOs #10

Closed fagiothree closed 9 months ago

fagiothree commented 10 months ago

Implement enrollment mechanisms for the 2 groups of users KEMAS --> adds to group "kemas" MASW --> adds to group "csos"

and then they get the same user experience

The trigger START should be disabled after the end of testing at the end of december

lauriemarkle commented 10 months ago

For validation:

Welcome to {ParentText}! How did you enrol in the programme?

  1. Through a KEMAS preschool
  2. Through an NGO
  3. Social Media
  4. A Friend
  5. Other

Responses to 1-2 are continued onboarding (with a grouping of the User into the appropriate group). Responses 3-5 will currently receive "{ParentText} is currently only available to parents of preschoolers enrolled in KEMAS or local, community preschools. We hope to make {ParentText} available to every Malaysian parent before 2025."

fagiothree commented 9 months ago

Clarification needed for the following cases:

fagiothree commented 9 months ago

Agreed with Laurie to remove validation question to make onboarding process easier. Validation of IDs will happen comparing data in RapidPro with data collected through FalicitatorApp --> only users with IDs also in FacilitatorApp will be considered for analysis

fagiothree commented 9 months ago

Added validation step in joining process defined in (default version that doesn't do anything)

For Malaysia overwrite defined in that adds users to groups

Need to add triggers to safeguarding json file

fagiothree commented 9 months ago

achieved with pull request #23 separated out START (kept as trigger to rejoin - creating a new category in triggers from KEMAS & CSOS (only for joining - in the category START)