IDEMSInternational / rapidpro-flow-toolkit

Toolkit for using spreadsheets to create and modify RapidPro flows
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Support exclusion in tagmatcher #102

Open geoo89 opened 8 months ago

geoo89 commented 8 months ago

The --tags argument in the CLI allows for filtering content index row by tags.

By default, a row is accepted if its tag matches any of the provided tags, or is empty, e.g. 1 foo bar 2 baz means: only include rows if tags:1 is empty, foo or bar, and tags:2 is empty or baz

We now allow for excluding tags, in particular the empty tag: 1 foo bar ! 2 !baz means: only include rows if tags:1 is foo or bar (but not empty), and tags:2 is not baz"