IDEMSInternational / rapidpro-flow-toolkit

Toolkit for using spreadsheets to create and modify RapidPro flows
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Install pre-commit #111

Closed istride closed 7 months ago

istride commented 7 months ago

Pre-commit is a framework that makes it easy to install and run git hooks. We intend to use it to ensure that black and flake8 run on every commit.

See new dev setup instructions in 'docs/'. I recommend deleting your current virtualenv and creating a new one.

istride commented 7 months ago

@edmoss345 When you have time, it would be good to get your perspective on this as a Windows user. Does this work for you?

istride commented 7 months ago

@geoo89 In general, I would use git stash to save work that is not yet ready to commit. Having said that, it is possible to temporarily disable commit hooks with git commit --no-verify, or equivalent, if you're not using the command line client.

geoo89 commented 7 months ago

@geoo89 In general, I would use git stash to save work that is not yet ready to commit. Having said that, it is possible to temporarily disable commit hooks with git commit --no-verify, or equivalent, if you're not using the command line client.

Yeah, most of the time that works (and that's what I'd do), but I switch to a different branch to work on another feature, it's easy to lose track of what has been stashed. But the disable flag is definitely a good option for those cases, thanks.