IDI-Systems / UnrealImGui

Unreal plug-in that integrates Dear ImGui framework into Unreal Engine 4/5.
MIT License
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compile error from ue5.21 #31

Closed boyushen closed 2 days ago

boyushen commented 4 weeks ago

hello i have a trouble occurred when i use ue5.21 build pj

↓ is log

error C2039: 'OnEditorInitialized': 'FEditorDelegates' not find   from: ImGuiModuleSettings.cpp

change delegate will fixed this error but i don't know what is correct delegate

please help

EpochWon commented 3 weeks ago

I'm getting the same error attempting to build for 4.27

H:/Unreal Projects/ImGUITest/Plugins/ImGUIBuild/HostProject/Plugins/ImGui/Source/ImGui/Private/ImGuiModuleSettings.cpp(94): error C2039: 'OnEditorInitialized': is not a member of 'FEditorDelegates'
G:\UnrealEngine\UE_4.27\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Public\Editor.h(61): note: see declaration of 'FEditorDelegates'
H:/Unreal Projects/ImGUITest/Plugins/ImGUIBuild/HostProject/Plugins/ImGui/Source/ImGui/Private/ImGuiModuleSettings.cpp(94): error C2065: 'OnEditorInitialized': undeclared identifier
H:/Unreal Projects/ImGUITest/Plugins/ImGUIBuild/HostProject/Plugins/ImGui/Source/ImGui/Private/ImGuiModuleSettings.cpp(115): error C2039: 'OnEditorInitialized': is not a member of 'FEditorDelegates'
G:\UnrealEngine\UE_4.27\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Public\Editor.h(61): note: see declaration of 'FEditorDelegates'
H:/Unreal Projects/ImGUITest/Plugins/ImGUIBuild/HostProject/Plugins/ImGui/Source/ImGui/Private/ImGuiModuleSettings.cpp(115): error C2065: 'OnEditorInitialized': undeclared identifier
jonpas commented 2 days ago

This has been fixed in and a tag has been created.

Only 4.27 and higher will be supported from now on.